
Can a near 10-year old Garmin running watch still cut it today? That’s precisely what we wanted to find out after discovering that according to Strava’s most recent Year in Sport report, the Forerunner 235 was named as one of the most popular upload devices to the app.

Tester Mike managed to track down a 235 (thanks to Garmin) and used it for a month to track all of his runs and everything in between that running time to see if he’d miss the newer features that now reside on more modern Garmin running watches.

Here’s how he got on.

00:00 – Intro
02:23 – What we missed from a modern Garmin running watch
09:04 –We we didn’t miss from a modern Garmin running watch
13:13 – Could we live with a 10-year old Garmin watch?

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Hey this is Mike from the Run testers now in this 
video I'm going to be talking about a pretty old   Running watch I imagine a watch that people a lot 
of people are still using um but it was you know   To put this into context back in June it was a 
pretty quiet um you know kind of period in terms   Of launches for running watches sports watches 
smart watches so I didn't actually have a lot   New to test now I did think well I could throw 
on something that I have had in more recently   And do some longer term testing though I 
thought about maybe throwing on an older   Watch a watch that actually you know was one of 
the first watches that I tested and tested out   For running um and that watch is the Gin FR a 
235 now there was another reason why I decided   To pick this watch despite being one of the 
first watches that I've used now last year in   Strava's kind of trending year report the ging 
235 was one of the or was named as one of the   Top three upload devices which you know for me 
feels amazing considering that watch is near 10   Years old now and there's been different you know 
newer generations of the 200 series 4 Series so   What I wanted to do is I managed to track down 
a 4un 235 thanks to Gman I think one of their   Product team managed to find one for me so what 
I decided to do in that month was throw on the   235 throughout that month I used a 235 for all of 
my runs I raced with it as well too um generally   It outside of running you know use it as a 
smartwatch as well and really get a sense of   Whether you know in this day and age when so 
much has happened particularly on the Garment   Front but in general in terms of sports watches 
and running watches whether I would get on with   The 235 and I wouldn't miss a new a watch like the 
265 or the 965 which are generally the watches I   Would tend to use and also the Apple watch Ultra 
too so yeah in this video what I'm basic going to   Do is take you through my experiences of what 
I really liked about my time of the 235 what   I didn't really miss from a kind of modern 
running watch and actually the flip side of   What I did actually miss and whether I think 
you know ultimately I could live with a with   A watch like a Garmin 4 and a 235 or whether 
I was desperate to get back to a more modern   Smarter running watch so yeah this is basically 
a month living with a gin for a 235 a watch that   Strawber kind of named as one of its top upload 
devices in its kind of yearly report last year   And ultimately see if it still holds up against 
other running watches that are out there [Music] Today so I'm going to start with the things that I 
would say I missed from my time using the G in for   A 235 and I think one thing I wasn't expecting to 
say about my experience was but I really actually   Missed the kind of morning reports that Garmin 
has introduced to its newest watches now the   Gin FR 235 is too old to support these kind of 
new morning reports and the morning reports is   Essentially pulling together collating some 
information that you can look over when you   First wake up and it'll give you a sense of 
you know what's coming up in your day also look   At things like the weather but also look at you 
know metrics like your training readiness whether  

You're in good shape you've had good sleep now it 
doesn't seem like a big thing to not have on that   Watch but ultimately I feel like well I initially 
thought it was a bit of a gimmicky thing when   Garmin introduced it I have found it more useful 
to look at my day or have something to kind of   Give me a glance over at my kind of metrics from 
the kind of evening sleep my training readiness   But also those weather reports and also anything 
that's coming up and I felt like when I woke up   In the morning and I looked at the 235 I kind of 
was so used to kind of seeing that information   And whether information is always useful or not 
I did quite like the idea of being able to have   That put in front of me every morning so that 
was definitely one thing I didn't think I was   Going to miss from my time using the Garment for 
a 235 but I think it's actually a feature that   I've grown to really like on the newer 4 watches 
which I think you know it's a bit more of a kind   Of SmartWatches feature but I think ultimately 
in terms of being useful and as I said pulling   In that collection of data whether it's about your 
day or whether it's about your training and about   Your sleep I do think it's actually quite a nice 
feature to have now the next one's a pretty big   One and it is around heart rate monitoring and GPS 
accuracy now we have to keep in mind that this is   A device that is near 10 years old so obviously 
older technology a lot has happened in this space   Particularly on you know the Garmin front in terms 
of it sense of Technology but we should add that   The 235 was the first watch uh in garage range to 
uh include its Elevate Optical sensor technology   To improve or offer improved heart rate monitoring 
performance it is also a watch that does allow you   To pair external heart rate monitor sensors as 
well too so that is a massive plus and generally   We talk about the monitoring performance the 
heart rate monitor performance on watches today   We do still advise on using external heart rate 
monitor and you are able to do that here on the   Uh grman 4 235 now in terms that performance 
pretty much as expected it wasn't fantastic and   When you and you look at it up against you know 
newer Garmin fora watches I think of things like   The 4o 265 which is the latest version of the 
200 series there really is a step up in terms   Of performance particularly from that kind of 
risk-based heart rate monitoring and you know   It really was you know a big step for Garmin 
to have that new sensor in there but ultimately   It's a very old generation of that elevate sensor 
which still isn't spotless in its kind of latest   Generation but definitely is much better than it 
was 10 years ago when I first tested the 4235 and   Even in my test over that month now the other 
one is GPS performance and accuracy now you're   Not getting the latest kind of multiband GPS mode 
which we've kind of talked about being you know a   Real kind of push in terms of innovation of 
GPS performance particularly in those areas   Where it can be challenging whether it's near 
tall buildings whether it's kind of densely   Forested areas garmin's multiband mode has really 
push things in terms of that performance and it's   Probably one of the best you know examples of 
that multiband dual band mode we're seeing in  

Watches now you obviously don't have that on a 
235 and unsurprisingly I think you know for a   Lot of runs it was generally okay when I got to 
that extreme stress testing you could definitely   See the differences now I used it for a race I had 
the 965 and the two 2 35 on a looped race a looped   Course and ultimately you can see the differences 
in the tracks ultimately so the last thing I want   To talk about is around kind of interacting with 
the 4235 and how it compares to interacting with   A newer 4A watch I think that's really around 
kind of not having a touchscreen display here   Now I think I missed the touchcreen display more 
so than the color displays that we're seeing on   Newer Gins I think it's really about you know 
I'm all for physical buttons on running watches   I think I would happily take more physical buttons 
over a growing kind of you know emphasis on using   The touchscreen display but I think having a 
combination of two does work really nicely I   Think particularly it can be during runs but also 
outside of running as well now I think biggest   Examples I can kind of um talk about here in 
terms of missing that touchcreen display is kind   Of where notifications would pop up if there were 
screens I wanted to kind of quickly swipe through   My natural reaction was to swipe on the screen 
you know forgetting that it didn't support that   Kind of touch screen functionality and I do think 
it shows that moving towards kind of a little bit   More like SmartWatches and have that touchcreen 
functionality does actually improve and enhance   Experience I think the software in General on the 
235 you know definitely looks very different to   What we are used to now on your four runners But 
ultimately it's pretty easy to get to grips with   But you could see where it could benefit from 
having that typ screen support which obviously   Wasn't you know prominent on G's watches just yet 
having that support now on new for on watches I   Think is a big plus and I'm now seeing that more 
having gone back to a watch which doesn't have   It and really could benefit from having it now 
another thing I missed from using a more modern   And newer 4 and watch words when it came to kind 
of tracking non-running uh focused activities now   OB the 4235 is a very much running Focus watch 
but it does track um cycling as well too but then   Outside of that it's pretty Limited in terms of 
the number of profiles and it really you know for   Reminded me that we maybe take for granted that 
you do have that kind of extensive kind of uh   Range of profiles that are supported on your 
4 watches so yeah while it's not like kind of   Running specific one I think you know for a lot 
of people who aren't just using their 4Runner   To track their runs I think that kind of more 
basic kind of support in terms of the sports   Profiles that are on the 235 that was definitely 
something that I noticed in my time as I said it   Wasn't a massive issue but it is something that 
I definitely noticed in my experience of you know   How I use my newer 4Runner watch compared to 
the older [Music] 235 okay so into the things   That I didn't actually miss during my time using 
the gun 4un 235 and I'll start with you know not   Having all of the Smartwatch features it can kind 
of display notifications can control your kind of  

Music playing on your phone you can't see weather 
forecast I think what my time kind of really kind   Of taught me was that actually those are the types 
of features generally that I think I make most   Use of in or on newer 4Runner watches those very 
kind of I would say probably right look now look   Like basic features at that time were very good 
features to have on a running watch and generally   Those were the features that I feel that I use 
and I didn't feel like I missed those other kind   Of richer Smartwatch um features that you do get 
on your 4Runners you know I like the idea of being   Able to see my notifications and the support on 
the 235 is pretty good you're not going be able   To respond to them you're not going to be able to 
act on them but in terms of looking at them taking   Them in absolutely fine I like the fact the music 
controls are there as well and I generally will   Run with my phone so that's not a big issue and I 
kind of find that useful to have and I think for   Me yeah the the basic Smartwatch features on the 
235 worked well enough for me and I didn't feel   Like I missed the bigger ones that you do get on 
the newer four runners so the next thing I didn't   Miss and I would say I didn't think I'd be talking 
about is battery life now with the gar in front of   235 you are getting you know in terms of promised 
at battery life you're getting less than when you   Compare it to you know the newer G FR 265 by a 
good few days and kind of that General Smartwatch   Mode you're getting Less in terms of GPS battery 
life as well too for me you know battery life   Which is something I thought was going to be an 
issue you know wasn't really when you know you put   It into context with other watches and actually 
the new kind of Forerunner watches how I would   Expect to use those watches and for those watches 
to perform one thing I would say is obiously you   Are dealing with an older kind of charging cable 
it's kind of this Clos Peg style which I don't   Absolutely love and you know ultimately Garmin 
have moved away from that kind of setup um so   That's a minor thing I think you know not ideal 
in terms of child setup and you know I did miss   The kind of simpler one that you get on newer 
garments but in terms of that overall battery   Life performance I didn't feel like I was getting 
massively let down in my time and I think also   What I like about it is that you know if you are 
running low it will'll let you know it's running   Low it will capture that run if you've kind of 
got caught out kind of mid-run and you you still   Got that data there from the watch and I think you 
know there's newer watches from other brands that   Aren't capable of doing that so you know Garmin 
was doing that you know very early days and there   Watches that will literally not capturing any it 
or not store any of your data if it kind of you   Know kind of runs out of battery mid run so yeah 
battery life you know it was you know and if if I   Thought about how I wanted it to kind of you know 
perform that's kind of I was pretty happy I didn't   Feel like I was getting massively short changed 
with the 235 which is something I wasn't expecting   To see uh in my time with it okay so the last 
thing that I want to talk about here that I didn't   Really miss in my time with 235 and I really kind 
of alluded to it already in this video is that I  

Didn't massively miss having a color display now 
the color displays I think are welcome additions   To gin's watches and ultimately getting those 
color displays on those watches Without You Know M   Having a massive impact on battery life was really 
important for gar and they have managed to do that   Across its watches that now include it but I think 
ultimately what my time of the 235 taught me and   Reminded me I think more so than anything is that 
transfect displays are still very good they're   Still very good reasons to have them on running 
watches and I think in terms of the way I use that   Watch in terms of the features that are available 
to me and the kind of visibility that I've got   Across different conditions mainly Outdoors where 
that's really where you know really matters for   Me it was all very good I think in terms of 
like looking at my running metrics in real time   In terms of looking at the kind of Smartwatch 
features that you have there and the display   That you've got there you know it was 
absolutely fine I didn't feel like I was   Getting an inferior experience having a watch 
that didn't have a color display on [Music] It so after a month of living with the Gin fora 
235 was I desperate to get that off my wrist and   Get a newer running watch on it I would say 
my time has been interesting and actually it   Wasn't as as you know I wasn't that desperate to 
throw a new running watch on when I did you know   I did there was absolutely some features that I 
missed I'm glad to have back but I think in terms   My 235 I think you know it wasn't a you know I 
didn't feel like I was getting a poorer design   Despite it not having that touchcreen or color 
display you know the screen is pretty good on   It you know would like a little less bezel there 
but ultimately I think you know using it dayto   Day was absolutely fine I didn't feel like I was 
missing out massively from a battery point of view   As well which I think was really important for 
me and actually having a little bit of a strip   Backed experience and actually a lot of the data 
being generally pretty good meant it was still a   Very solid performing running watch I think where 
things changed for me not necessarily changed but   I think you know I can see the benefits of having 
a new watch is really on the the innovations that   Have happened particularly on the tracking point 
of view you know having those you know newer Gins   Having kind that dual band multiband GPS mode 
improvements in the kind of optical you know   Risk-based heart rate monitor the additional 
kind of training analysis I think generally I   Could absolutely get on with that watch and I 
think for a lot of instances a lot of runs it   Was absolutely fine I think it's when you know 
what you can get but I think particularly on   An accuracy point of view I think particularly 
on a kind of training analysis uh point of view   And what you can get at that 200 the 4 and 200 
series range you can kind of see when actually   I would benefit or would like to have that you 
know additional or those additional features so   Yeah actually you know it wasn't a horrible 
experience watch but actually going for an older   Watch just shows you that you know they a lot can 
still hold up today in you know in a space where  

Watches are getting smarter offering more features 
but actually having quite a strip B experience was   Quite nice in a lot of ways and yeah you know my 
experience with 235 wasn't terrible and I think   A lot of things I liked about it as I said was I 
desperate to get a new watch on not necessarily   But when I did I did appreciate things that I 
talked about that I did kind of Miss in my time   But you know it wasn't as bad as I thought and 
I think you know living with the 25 for a month   Wasn't as bad as expected okay so there you have 
it a slightly different running watch video for   You hopefully you enjoyed it hopefully you enjoy 
the insights if there are any other videos around   Running watches that you'd like to see from us 
do let us know as always like And subscribe hit   That little bell to find out about our latest 
videos and yeah we'll see you next fr this video