
The Saucony Hurricane 24 is a high-stack cushioned running shoe that provides stability through a wide platform and high sidewalls.

The midsole is dual layer, combining the soft, bouncy PWRRUN PB found in some of the brand’s performance shoes and a lower layer of PWRRUN to improve support and durability. Those foams work alongside a rocker design to give a smooth heel-to-toe transition.

Tom, Nick and Mike give their views on the shoe.

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00:00 – Intro
00:12 – Stats
00:26 – Design
01:01 – How’s the Fit?
02:45 – The First Run Test
13:31 – Should You Buy it?

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Hey Tommy from the r testers and this is Our full review of the sakon hurricane 24 let's take a [Music] Look the socon hurricane 24 costs £165 Or $160 it weighs 323 G or 11.4 Oz for Men in a size 8 and the drop is 6 [Music] Mm the sakon hurricane 24 is a high Stack cushion running shoe that provides Stability through a wide platform and High sidewalls the midsole is dual layer Combining the soft bouncy power and PB Found in some of the Brand's performance Shoes and a lower layer of paron to Improve support and durability those Foams work alongside a rocker design to Give a smooth Heel To Toe transition the Outsole uses sakon's reliable xt900 Outsole rubber positioned across key Areas to improve grip and protection and There's a roomy engineered mesh upper to Provide a comfortable fit and plenty of Breathability So in terms of fit I've got my so Hurricane in the UK size 8 now that is My typical running shoe size and that's Typically the shoe size that does work Best for me in socony shoes and that has Definitely been the case here with the Hurricane I've been very happy with the Space up front of the toes it hasn't Felt too long I haven't felt like I may Be going half size down in this shoe it

Just felt just about right for me I Think this shoe does remind me a few of Kind of some of Haw shoes where you get This kind of quite broad base but Actually the upper itself Narrows a Little bit more more definitely kind of Hugs and you've got a kind of level of Material here that definitely feels it's Built for Comfort that's definitely what I found in my time you've got nothing Too fussy with the laces you've got a Padded tongue that isn't you know I Think it's the right side of padded Without being overly padded or too thin So it does sit properly um on the top of Your foot and then again you know the Padding around the hill collar is not Overly kind of generous here I think as Well too and I've had no kind of issues In terms of lock down or kind of heel Rub or anything like that and I think For most people going through to size Should be absolutely fine so it comes to Fit of the sakon Huracan 24 it's been All good for me in my normal running Shoe size got a uk9 here US 10 I've used That for every sakon shoe I've ever Tested and the fit is good the right Length good hold around the heel and Midfoot no concerns at all so I'll Definitely stick to your normal running Shoe size with the shoe so the fit for Me in the hurricane 24 I'm size 8 in the UK I have pretty average sized feet so

Um shoes in my size generally fit quite Well um I found this to be a very Comfortable shoe there's plenty of space In the 4 foot there's plenty of space Around the side of the 4 foot the is Very comfortable and there's plenty of Padding around the ankle collar so yeah No issues at all in this shoe over the Runs that I've done in it uh from the First run that I did I felt it was very Very comfortable and I definitely stay To my size in this Shoe okay so um I talked about this shoe In the first run and I was really Surprised by it on paper this looks like A stability shoe it looks like it's Going to be quite clunky and uh I wasn't Particularly excited about testing it Out um um but I really really like the Shoe I think it's a a surprisingly good Shoe because I've not heard a lot about The hurricane range in the past I knew It was a stability series um but I I'd Never tested any of the previous Versions out so um I wasn't particularly Excited about trying this I'm not a big Fan of the sakon guide range um and I Was a bit worried it was going to be the Same with that in fact this shoe doesn't Ride like a stability shoe it's a very Subtle level of stability if you need Stability it is good for that because You definitely get stability in this but It's a very subtle type of stability so

If you don't need stability and I'm told By gate analysis that I do need a bit of Stability but I don't really tend to use That many stability shoes um that this Shoe actually really kicks into gear if You if you need some because when I was Testing the shoe out I tried to run uh With a little bit of pronation and you Can feel that stability kick in and you It does feel very grounded and very um Supportive if you're not trying to do That it just feels like a really good Max cushioned running shoe um if you Watch the channel you know I'm a massive Fan of the more range and I think this Is quite a similar ride to that the Midol foam isn't this it isn't in any Way soft but it definitely cushioned It's there's a little bit of balance in This this shoe so that it's a nice Cruising uh ride if you're just going Out and doing easy miles um it feels Very supportive but also feels like There's a little bit more in it so it Just feels very comfortable you don't Really notice it on your legs which is a Good thing to have um but you definitely Feel like you've got a lot of grounding In that really wide base of the shoe so Um I've probably most of my runs I've Done in this have been at base pace so I've done like 10ks um in this shoe Quite a bit and they have all been Around 520 minute kilm uh which is my

Comfortable pace which I normally train Out for um easy days and that's Definitely what the shoe is designed for I I I I have tried to pick up the pace In this this shoe a bit it's okay at it I definitely wouldn't use it for that um It's a Shue that's firmly sits into that World of clocking up the miles and you Just want something that's solid Reliable and comfortable and is going to Just allow you to do that with that Stability element in it and I think this Is a really good example of how Stability shoes are changing quite a bit At the moment so 5 years ago you would Not find a stability shoe like this most Stability shoes would probably be really Noticeable they'd have a big medial Post In there then you could really feel it I I never I never run in a lot of Stability shoes just cuz they felt very Clunky and very hard uh on the sort of Medial PL side but also on the on the Firma Midol side this sits into that Whole new world of um stability shoes Where um it just feels like a normal Running shoe but if you need stability It kicks in and you know it's there so I Think this is a fantastic option I think If you're the sort of Runner that thinks You may need stability this is a great Option for you there's loads of great Options out there at the moment but I Think this is one of the better ones out

There especially for your easy day runs Daily miles where you're not looking for Versatility um but also I think it's a Good option if maybe you're you don't Necessarily need stability shoes but Maybe you want a shoe that rides like Most other cushion shoes but it has some Stability elements because those Stability elements they're not that Necessary if you don't need them the um If you're doing 10ks and your legs Aren't tired but when you are doing Longer miles say your marathon training And you're doing a lot of um high Mileage sessions that extra stability Can help and it just makes sure that When your legs aren't tired that you've Got a little bit more support in there And you're you're you're running in the Right way in those in those later miles Which can be tricky with really wobbly Thin shoes uh so yeah really solid um Shoe from sakon uh surprisingly Impressed by it because I didn't really Know anything about it beforehand um so Definitely worth looking at if um you Looking for a Max cushion shoe maybe Want sensibility so I've run 64k in the S Huracan 24 using it mostly for some Nice relaxed easy runs during my daily Training some recovery runs and one Longer run where I did up the speed a Little bit but in general kept it at Quite relaxed pace and I've really

Enjoyed using the shoe I'm actually Pretty surprised how much I like it Because when it came in I kind of Glanced at the overall specs and I saw This mix of power run PB and power run And it's a really big heavy shoe and s's Had some of the shoes like this I Haven't really liked at all like the Canara pro and the trium 22 they've been Kind of okay but not really shoes that Have excited me that much but did Remember that s's got this kind of blend Of Foams in some shoes that I really do Like like the sakon tempus and The sakon Exodus Ultra Trail shoe and in this Frame configuration where you've got That bed of power run PB surrounded by The Firma power run to create stability It does work very well and the Huracan Is a really great shoe I've really Enjoyed running in this shoe it's very Comfortable it's prob the most Comfortable socking shoe I think I've Ever tested it's stable it ticks over Nicely it really ticks all the boxes as A easy run shoe from the first step in The shoe you really do feel the softness From the Foams underneath the foot which Isn't always the case with sock is shoes Like even power run PB and Power on Foams and Power on plus they're not the Softest Foams out there compared to what You get from some other brands things Like the fresh foam in the latest 1080

V13 you've got a really nice level of Softness with this shoe but it's not Squishiness you don't like get lost in That foam it does come back to you it Does Rebound a little bit and it does Mean that you're not sinking into it you Are getting lots of comfort underf foot But you're not kind of wading through Foam to keep running which for me almost Creates a different kind of discomfort Shoe ends up very heavy or very mushy Underfoot I find over long distances in Particular it's it's not that enjoyable To run in it becomes a bit more of a Chore but you don't get that with the Hurricane you've got that comfortable Feeling underf fooot and then you've got A ride that ticks over quite well the Rocker is present and Foams that do give You a little bit back so you are on a Platform that does give you that kind of Support and stability and also something To push against so you can run you know Nice and comfortably throughout your run I definitely felt The Rocker on the shoe And it does create a nice smooth ride From Heel To Toe as a heel Striker and That really does mean the shoe feels a Lot lighter than actually is on the foot Like it's got a fairly heavy build this Shoe all around in my size like heavier Than most of the shoes I've tested it's Not often I like a shoe as heavy as this Just because I'm a fairly lightweight

Runner I've got high Cadence generally Lighter shoe suit me better but this Does tick over really nicely and that Felt it really clearly on the longer I Did in the shoe where I just hit some Nice flat runable bits but halfway Through and the pace was just going up And feeling very natural and Easy in This shoe because you can roll through Quite nicely which just feels very nice This isn't a very versatile shoe it's Not one I go and do a load of speedwork In but you can do lots of daily training In it and it's not really going to you Hold you back on those long runs if you Do want to pick up the pace a little bit For the main part though I've used it For Recovery runs easy runs like I've Done a couple of runs like early in the Morning the day after hard workouts when You just get out of bed Everything feels A bit stiff and tired and it is the Perfect shoe for that because it it's Not just a big block of comfortable foam Under Foot it has got that smooth ride And just gets you moving again and Ticking along with a little bit less Effort than with some other shoes so Yeah it's really supportive certainly Got stability with that wide base it Does remind me a lot of a hoker Something like the Bondi but with nicer Foams Under Foot so it does really Elevate The Experience compared to what

You get with something like the Bondo so Yeah all around a really enjoyable run Experience with the Huracan 24 more Enjoyable than I expect so in terms of My running experience in the sakon Hurricane 24 I've done 50k in this shoe Now it's the first time I've run in a Hurricane shoe and I should also add That I'm not typically a person that Needs a kind of support shoe a kind of You know stability Focus shoe but what I Would say both of my experience is that I definitely don't think this is off Limits to people who need that Additional support I think most Runners Are going going to enjoy running in the Shoe particularly if you stick to the Types of runs I think it best excels at Now I didn't absolutely love it from the First run I did I did you know I was Using this kind of landed when I was uh You know in preparation for sock e1k so I was using a faster shoe to kind of Train in and I was using this making Easy kind of recovery runs I did a kind Of harder session the day before I went Out and wanted to do a kind of very Recovery Style run legs were a bit tired Put this on it felt a little bit firm a Little bit blocky for me and you know I Wasn't sure whether I was going to get On with this shoe after that first run It definitely did soften up for me and Then I did start to appreciate what is

Really nice about going out in the shoe And doing those very easy recovery star Runs I think the first thing for me is The weight of this shoe it is I think For me it weighs kind of 315 316 G in UK Size eight which does sound pretty heavy But I think what s has done here is Really kind of distribute the cushioning Over a very wide base I think helps to Create that very consistent kind of Weight across the shoe and it doesn't Feel like a heavy bulky shoe to running That's definitely been my experience of Running in the S hurricane 24 I think When you get into the general ride of it I think the best thing I say is you know As I said it definitely has softened up There is that level of plushness there But it's not overly plush like something Like the New Balance 1080 v13 which you Really do sink in but you've got that Kind of insole here which I think gives You that softer feel and then you've got That you know that harder foam in here As well to kind of stabilized but also Give you that firmer Edge and make sure That you're protected and it's it's it's Offering that kind of stable feel Ultimately you know that's what the you Know the real deal here is with the Sak Hurricane 24 there's no one particular Element that's delivering that stability It's a it's a combination of a few Things I think ultimately that's why I

Think I've got on better with this shoe Than other kind of traditional stability Focus Shoes I think there's a little bit Of Bounce there as I said I think there Is a a nice rocker in there as well too It's not overly aggressive it's not too Muted I think as a combination with what You're getting in this foam in terms of That rocker terms of handling that Weight very well it just feels like a Very comfortable shoe to go and really Kind of tick off the miles in and you Know as I said apart from that first run I really kind of enjoyed I look forward To running in this shoe durability as I Said I have done 50k in this shoe now It's got a pretty good amount of rubber There is a kind of central area which is Exposed and has got a bit beating up I Have taken it slightly off-road I've Kind of gone been away I've kind of Jumped onto a beach I've kind of gone on Some slightly kind of uneven Terrain in This shoe but actually it's it's fared Very well on that front I think you know If you are going to stick to Pavement AR Rows there's a good amount of rubber Here that I think is going to ensure That it's going to be a good fit for Shorter and longer distance runs so yeah For me all very positive once I got Through that first kind of not so Memorable run but I think this is a very Comfortable shoe um probably one of the

Most comfortable shoes running this year I've definitely surprised me on on that Um front as well and then there's a ride There that I think is just giving you Enough to make sure that you want to be Out in the shoe you want to run longer In it and you know although it isn't a Shoe that you want to run quicker in I Do think there's a lot in its Locker in Terms of being that kind of really Comfortable shoe to run for those kind Of shorter and longer easy runs I think the Huracan 24 is a very good Cushion shoe I think it's really Comfortable one of the most comfortable Shoes I've tested in a long time if not Probably the most comfortable shoe I've Tested this year but with a nice ride That does keep you ticking along nice And smoothly doesn't feel too clunky or Chunky underfoot with all that foam There it just has a very nice natural Ride to it despite the fact it is such a Big shoe it's not the kind of shoe Generally I tend to like even if I like This kind of shoe I rate it very highly It's not the kind of shoe that Necessarily is my type of shoe but Actually the huran 24 is one that I Consider sticking in my rotation just For those easy runs daily runs those Relaxed long runs because it does have Such a nice cushy feeling under foot With that rocker which all adds up to

The kind of ride I like and despite the Fact it is pretty heavy it does move Quite well what was it they say about Footballers like good touch for a big Man yeah it moves well for a big shoe That's what the shoe does I think if You're an experienced Runner with a Rotation this is one You definitely be Able to stick in just as an easy run Shoe I don't think it's all that Verstile but if you are a new Runner who Wants a big protective shoe that's very Comfortable first and foremost to do all Your runs in this would be a really good Option it has got an element of Versatility but mainly it's just that It's very protective and comfortable and Enjoyable ride because of the way the Foams and The Rocker are set up I think If you are looking for a bit more Versatility from a shoe with a similar Setup the soy tempus is an excellent Shoe it's lighter and bouncier and it's Got that kind of power on PB core That Bouncy feeling with the frame of the Ferm ofoam around it as well they could Almost work as a little two shoe Rotation with this is the you know the Big cushioned option The Tempest as your Slightly faster option that you can't Even take towards kind of race Paces I'd Say there are some other Big Max cushion Shoes out there that probably have a Little bit more versatility than this

Shoe I'd say things like old models of The S Triumph or the Brooks Glycerin 21 Or the Puma magnify Nitro 2 very Comfortable shoes that have a bit more About them those are more neutral shoes Haven't got quite as wide a base as you Get with the hurcan 24 though but they Are designed to be able to do a little Bit more as cushion daily trainers this Feels much more dedicated easy run shoe Similar in vain to something like the Aex gel Cayo 31 another shoe I really Like this year I think you got a softer Feeling and a better Rocker with the Hurcan so if you're looking between Those two kind of Premium more stability Focused shoes I would go for the Hurrican myself I think it's more Enjoyable shoe even though I did really Like the gel coo as well and then Another option you could consider if you Have the budget for it is the hokus Skywood X which is you know pretty Unique cushion shoe with a massive stack It's very wide it's still quite stable Despite the fact you've got a very big Soft and bouncy stack Under Foot and You've got a plate in there and it Really does add up to a very fun Recovery day and long run experience in The sky deex has a bit more versatility With the bounci of foam in the midsole As well but for more traditional stable Cushion shoe that is still very fun to

Run in the hurricane does come in a fair Bit cheaper so my verdict on the Hurricane 24 is it is a fantastic um Balanced Max cushion shoe that has Stability elements in it it's just Comfortable it cruises really nicely it Is one of those one of the best examples Of the new breed of stability shoes Where they're not necessarily they don't Feel like stability shoes they feel like Most other shoes that you would buy in This in the in the cushion category um But it's got stability in it when you Need it and I think it's a great it's a Great example of that I think it feels Really comfortable there's a nice Turnover in it definitely uh feels very Very cushioned but not too soft but this For someone like me who really like soft Cushing shoes I still enjoyed running in The shoe so there's definitely a nice Balance in that midso that um I think is Going to make it really accessible for a Lot of people uh so yeah definitely well Worth looking at if you just want a Solid comfortable reliable easy day shoe Or daily trainer that really is focused On that comfort and cushioning and Offers you a bit of stability so my VCT On the S hurricane 24 is that this is Definitely a shoe that has surprised me Probably the most surprising shoe that I Didn't think I was going to get on with I absolutely really kind of loved it in

The end and by that first run I really Enjoyed going out in this shoe and if You stick to those kind of easy runs Recovery runs shorter or longer runs and This is a shoe does a very good job of It I think in terms of those kind of or These kind of stability style shoes These Max cushion stability style shoes This is the one that's definitely stood Out for me I think I preferred it to Things like the asex gel Cayo I've just Got on more this shoe and I felt more Comfortable wearing it I think if you Look at you know other kind of moderate Stability shoes in s's range there Obviously the tempus which is I think a Little bit more versatile than this shoe Uh but you know can also work for easy Runs as well um when I look at other Cushion shoes I think you know would it Replace things like the B 1080 v13 for Me possibly not but you know I wouldn't Be annoyed to have to go out in this Shoe and do the same types of runs I Think for me the 1080 v13 is a little Bit lighter I think it's has got similar Kind of level of rocker in there to you Know make an enjoyable memorable ride as Well too and it's a touch plusher I Think in terms of the experience Compared to the sakon hurricane 24 You're looking at things like the aex Jail Nimbus as well too which I think This has been a nice experience for me

As well so I think yeah in terms of Those Max cushioned uh kind of shoes for Easy runs you know recovery runs long Runs this is a shoe that does a very Good job with it and I think as I said Don't rule it out because it is a kind Of stability or you know pitch stability Focus you I think there's going to be a Lot of people that's going to get on With this shoe and I think ultim if you Get this shoe for the right types of Runs you're really going to enjoy Running it in the S hurricane 24 that's It from us on this review of the sakon Hurricane 24 thanks a lot for watching Don't forget to like subscribe click the Little bell and if you're going to catch And blow you find a link to our podcast Uh which comes out a couple of times Each month thanks a lot for watching Catch you next time [Music]