The Sennheiser Momentum Sport are truly wireless sports earbuds built in collaboration with Polar that are designed to deliver that signature, high-grade Sennheiser sound when you’re hitting the gym or going for a run.
The Sport comes packed with audio smarts like ANC, dedicated modes for listening to podcasts and boosting bass with scope to make sure these buds best suit your preferred running sounds.
They also host some additional smarts to help give them added appeal with built-in heart rate and body temperature sensors also included that work with Polar’s Flow app, smartwatches like the Apple Watch and Garmins (heart rate only) as well as Polar’s latest watches.
Testers Mike, Nick and Kieran have been marathon training and racing with the Momentum Sport to find out if these pretty pricey truly wireless earbuds deliver where it matters.
00:00 – Intro, price and key features
01:15 – Design and Fit
06:27 – Sound quality
13:04 – Heart rate and body temperature tracking
18:21 – Battery life
21:12 – Verdict
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Hey this is mesters and these are the Sennheiser momentum sport a set of truly Wise airbuds that designed to deliver That kind of highgrade senheiser sound For people that like to work out with Their music whether that's in the gym or If you're out running now there are also A couple of extra features here that may Make them appeal to Runners Additionally The first not necessarily new to the Headphone world and that is a built-in Heart rate monitor the second though is A new sensor that we haven't really seen In a headphon face and that is a Built-in core po temperature sensor now In terms of what you do that information That kind of brings in cis's Collaboration with polar and what you Can do with these headphones when you Pair them with compatible polar watches And also the polar flow companion app is It allows you to see that information in Real time now these senheiser momentum Sport airbuds are not cheap and they're Actually more expensive than a lot of Top tier truly Wallace airbuds let alone The kind of top Sports headphones or Running headphones we've tested so Myself Nick and Karan have all been Testing the siso momentum sport so what We're going to do in this video is give You our take on whether it's worth Spending £260 or $330 on the Sennheiser Momentum
[Music] Sports so then on design overall I think The momentum are pretty well built the Buds are light enough they're compact in The ears for me they sit in the air Comfortably as well now I initially Opted to use them without the fins and Over my 3 and 1 half hour Marathon test I had no problem with the buds staying Put in without the fins no digging or Discomfort however during the London Landmarked half one of my buds fell out Into the onrushing crowd of Runners so I Had to risk life and limb to rescue it Perhaps unsurprisingly the fit is much More secure when you put the fins on now Some fins can dig that's why I didn't Really go for them I wanted to see how They would be without but when I did put The fins on I had absolutely no trouble From that either now the case for me is A little big but it still fits in a Running belt I like the fact that There's this toggle here for attaching It to a key hook in your or your running Belt so it doesn't get lost they can pop Out on longer runs when it comes to Controls the customizable controls are Real tick for me and I really liked the Tap on the cheat controls that you've Got that mean you don't have to actually Press the buds when they're in the air That helps avoid nudging them loose Whilst you're running now this worked
About 95% of the time for me however you Can't control the volume in this way so You're still going to have to touch them For that on durability I ran into some Pretty heavy rain and the rain proof Water rating on the buds stood up to Those tests now I always think it's Welcome also to have some weather Resistance on the cases well I often run With the case in my belt particularly on Ultras where you might need to be Boosting that battery life so having a Little bit of extra added kind of Waterproofing in here on the case is Actually a bonus as well so some general Thoughts on the design and I would say From a comfort point of view generally It has been okay but I would say that on Longer runs I have noticed some I think Potential issues here with the momentum Sport and it's really kind of around or Revolves around the wing tips which Which unlike a lot of airbuds I've Tested I've had to go through all of the Different sizes to get something that's Worked for me in terms of a secureness But also in terms of comfort but what I Have found is that on longer runs I Think over an hour I have found while I Haven't been uncomfortable to the extent That I've wanted to take the airbuds out They just a little bit of kind of gentle Pressing in the ears or inside the ears Which means you don't forget that
They're there and I think if you were Running longer you know you know 2 hours Plus 3 hours plus like you know like I Was would I want something like this That is ultimately I'm just not going to Forget they're there I'm you know that's Definitely something that I'd be mindful Of here in terms of the controls Controls for touch controls have been Pretty good I think as long as you deal With the sensitivity of the controls Which you can do in the companion app I Think out the box they set to kind of Medium or high and I just found when You're outside running with them it's Very easy to kind of accidentally knock And kind of kind of you know ultimately Uh enable kind of the control here now The first thing I did after the first One was knock it down to low sensitivity In the app and since then it's been Absolutely fine so yeah definitely think There's some nice things about the sanah High momentum sport I think you know While they're a little bit on the big Side they don't feel heavy to wear you Can get a good you know level of comfort I think in general but I think on longer Runs that has definitely been a little Bit problematic for me maybe just you Know I know some more when they're in And I think some people might find There's a little bit discomfort there um When they're running in there so the the
Fit of the senis momentum sport has been Secure enough for me throughout my runs And other workouts I'm been using the Smallest of the ear Wings which is Unusual usually have to go for a medium Or a large one to get a secure fit but They've been completely fine have stayed In place throughout long runs you know Even on you know pounding downhills and That kind of thing on the trails and When I've been doing other workouts like Yoga and strength stuff I had no Concerns with the fit in terms of Security isn't the most comfortable fit I generally find with wings I get a Little bit of irritation but it's quite Strong with these buds like I find if I Listen to them for more than about kind Of 90 minutes definitely have some Soreness when I take them out my ears my Ears might toughen up over time if I was Using them on and on but I think there Are in a buds that are more comfortable Things like the Apple airpods Pro and I Like open buds for that reason as well Because they are a little bit more Comfortable when it comes to the fit you Can also take the wing off entirely Though the wings are a bit of a faf I Will say that though so they do move Around on the bud quite a lot when You're putting them in and out of the Case or if you're adjusting them in your Ear they're not always lined up
Perfectly that's little bit annoying I Haven't really had that of other Headphones once I've put the wing on it Stayed in place so that's something to Look out for a little bit but overall The fit is secure enough and good for Running there's no concerns here that The buds are going to drop out the Controls are I've had some mixed Experiences with when I first took them Out the box and went running I found That the wind kept setting off the touch Controls and like it was it was one run In particular it was a hard run I was Doing it like a progression hour and Kept switching between sound modes from ASC to Wi anti-wind modes to Transparency it was really very annoying And actually since I've turned the Sensitivity down to low on the controls That's been better it does mean they're Slightly less good at picking up my Taps And I generally have to do a couple of Taps to wake the headphones up before They start registering my controls but Overall they do work I like the fact you Can tap the cheek instead I think that's A good touch I do like doing that Instead of actually taching the butt Itself sometimes on the run because it Can be quite hard to hit it precisely And there is a little beep that Indicates how many times you've tapped Them so that is handy when you're trying
To do three in a row to do things like Change the sound mode so yeah overall The controls work they're a little bit Annoying at times a little bit worried About wind setting them off at times but Yeah they do work and I do like the fact You can tap your [Music] Cheek so in terms of that sound quality I would definitely say that has been a Positive for me on the siser momentum Sport now when you are paying almost £300 over $300 for a set of truly wi Airbuds you definitely come in with Certain expectations particularly when It is a pair of senheiser truly wise Airbuds now I've tested siser airbuds Before not the sports versions but the Kind of standard versions I know what Senis is capable of delivering on this Front I would absolutely say that they Definitely do deliver fantastic sound From these airbuds when I've used them Indoors for runs when I used them Outdoors when I've used them when I've Not been running they've sounded Fantastic for me and I Think you get what you pay for Ultimately in terms of the performance Here there I think the big thing that Kind of stood out for me first and Foremost is that they have a very bold Sound there's a lot of power there There's definitely plenty in the base
Department as well too which I think That been a big push for Sennheiser here But crucially is a base performance that Doesn't overpower everything a little Bit like you would probably get on most A lot of sports airbuds kind of fall Into that that trap of you know giving You a lot of Bas But ultimately you lose That kind of finesse that balance that Clarity um that kind of treble Sparkle As well but I think you know you don't Lose that here on the momentum Sport and You're getting a dizzying amount of kind Of modes to make sure you get something That works for what you listen to you Know there's an equalizer in the app There is the ability to create custom Kind of EQ presets there's ability for Sennheiser to create those presets for You based on what you typically listen To there is kind of sounds zones so you Can create certain presets that are Assigned to certain environments that You go to work out in so when you walk Into a gym it will set those presets for What works best in the gym for you when You're back home it will do the same Thing and that's kind of a really nice Touch now you're also getting active Noise cancellation you're getting kind Of transparency mode you're also getting This interesting anti-wind mode as well Too now thec I would say you know I've Been you know I've used it out on runs
I've used it on kind of a Euro style and I've been away I've used on a plane I Would say thec it's not quite top tier I Don't think it's that kind of Sony Bose Level of active noise cancellation but It's just below I would say and I think Thec performance has been very good and Very very impressive for me in terms of My time running with them I think what's Really stood out for me really has been The anti-wind mode it's essentially Turning off the microphones outside that Sit outside of the airbuds which is used For thec Keeps the ones on inside so you Still are getting that kind of retain Sound and also battles the wind a little Bit better and you know I've used it on Plenty of runs I my most recent one was A slightly windy run as well too and I Think it works really really well for me So I think on the Sound Performance that Is a real highlight for me I think they Sound fantastic I think thec performance Is very very good the anti-wind feature Is nice there's plenty of customization There as well in terms of that zone Profile and I think if you want a bold Loud Bassy kind of performance and also Something that's very balanced and gives You that kind of finesse as well too This you everything I think and Everything that I would want from a pair Of running headphones when I definitely Am picky about the sound profile and
I've been very happy in terms of what The momentum sport have delivered when It comes to sound I'm not really an Audio file I like my running soundtracks Loud and full with decent bass that's Not overbaked I'm also not a huge user Of thec and transparency modes on the Run sometimes I'll usec for more remote Working in cafes and stuff but if I need To hear what's going on around me I tend To just turn the volume down or take my Buds out now for music I listen to the Momentum most of time with the base Boost on and I think overall the sound Has good depth decent Basse when that Base boost is on and it made a notable Difference actually bass boost it was a Different punch to most of my European Dance music soundtracks that I use so Base boost on was definitely the kind of Default for me now I had a mixed Experience with overall top volume in The quieter conditions that I run in Usually along the river temps uh it was Plenty loud did a really good job of Soundtracking runs but then at the London landmarks half which is one of The windiest runs I've done in a long Time in the louder race conditions I Couldn't quite get that kind of kick in The pants loudness that I sometimes Really reach for on race day the Anti-wind setting did a pretty good job Of filtering out the worst of the wind
But in places I found myself wondering If I'd somehow accidentally turned the Volume down or I was trying to sort of Pump Up the Volume on the phone to get More out of it just wasn't that kind of Top loud kind of boom boom boom so the Sound quality on the bud is absolutely Excellent you expect this from the Sennheiser momentum line and you you are Getting it it's a really natural clear Sound it's got enough power at the Bassy End of things even without Bas Bo Activated I found they aren't quite as Bassy as some other headphones Especially those from the likes of Beats But actually it was a really nice level I found that gave you very natural and Very clear sound like in the upper Ranges the clarity and the separation of Instruments and vocals is is absolutely Outstanding I don't think I've ever Heard Sports headphones that sound Better than this I think they're right Up there with the likes of you know the Bose QC earbuds and senheiser sound is a Little bit more natural than lots of Those other types of headphones and I do Really like it I think they are you Absolutely top notch on sound quality as You would expect there's nothing really To fter you can mess around with the EQ And the app as well if you want to try And fine-tune it to your preferences but Actually after doing that a few times I
Ended up resetting it to the Natural Settings cuz I thought that was just Perfect it really did sound very good so The buds come with three sound modes You've got thec the wind mode and the Transparency mode I think the anti-wind Mode is quite impressive actually I do Like that as a runner cuz you when You're down at a track in particular It's always very windy and it does Noticeably cut out the wind compared to The other sound modes cuz with lots of Headphones the active noise cancellation Tends to end up filtering a lot of wind Sound in and you just don't get that at All with these buds so that's a really Nice addition also think they are good On the what's that come remember the Name of it the effect you get that Thudding internally when you're running Haven't really noticed that at all with These headphones I'm not someone who's Very annoyed by that I will say that I Don't always notice it on some Headphones that people find it very Annoying on but I didn't find a problem With these they've got that semi-open Design so that will help with that and That's a nice thing to have when you are Thinking about these as running Headphones the ANC is pretty good when I'm traveling with the buds it filters Out most of the external sound they're Not as good as the airpods Pro 2 or the
Bose QC earbuds 2 that I've tested that Both offer slightly better RC but you Not too much of a difference they're About in line with things like the Jabra Elite 8 active and then the transparency Mode okay on the run it does get windy When you're using the transparency mode And the main reason I use the Transparency mode is on the run to hear Things like traffic and if it becomes Very windy that ends up blocking out the Sound of traffic anyway so it does Negate the use of that mode so maybe That could be fine tuned a little bit You can you know fine tune how much Sound you let in but you want if I'm Using that mode I want to let in a lot Of sound I just don't want to get Blasted by win so it's not as good as Some others like the Apple airpods Pro 2 In particular have a very good Transparency mode where it doesn't just Sound like wind when you use it on the Run you can hear her surroundings quite [Music] Clearly so heart rate and body Temperature tracking uh I think this is An interesting Condition it's not the First time we've seen this on headphones Body temperature seems okay I've been Looking at it live in the Sennheiser app During runs and other times like it Seems about right I couldn't really Check that against anything else it's
Not something that really appeals to me As an extra metric for my training I Mean I've been training in the pretty Mild and wet UK Springs so haven't had Any real concerns about body temperature But maybe for people doing longer Workouts in hot conditions that might be Interesting heart rate tracking has been Pretty poor for me on accuracy like Testing this against a chest strap I've Just noticed that the sensor is often Wrong like it's especially in the second Half of runs the first half of runs it Often matched up quite closely with uh My chest strap but even if I was just Keeping the run at a steady pace for Oute in the second half it would be Wrong sometimes it would lock onto my Cadence instead of my actual heart rate Sometimes it was just high for no reason As far as I could tell I was actually Just writing my review of these Headphones for a website and I checked The heart rate during that where I'm Sitting at a desk and it was wrong it Was slightly too high I think it's a bit Of a shame because obviously if you're Looking at these buds if you're someone Who wears a chest strap and headphones They could be a way to consolidate those Two devices into one device but no I Think if you're wearing an external Strap or really value excellent heart Rate data you're not really getting it
Here from the buds so that is a shame But they did pair very easily with lots Of different devices I tried them with G Watch Apple watch Polar watch a couple Of apps and yes so the pairing works Perfectly well I just don't think the Data is that impressive so those Fitness Tracking features I'll start with a Heart rate monitoring because I have had Experience using heart rate monitoring Headphones before I think the first I Tried were the Jabra sport pulse if I Remember that correctly and that was Kind of in 2014 and then there were things like the JBL Under Armour headphones more Recently the amazfit powerbuds pro and I Think my experience of those headphones Definitely mirrors the experience I've Had with the senis momentum airbuds as Well too and what I mean by that is that I don't think the accuracy is Necessarily as reliable as using a watch I think crucially not as accurate or as Reliable as a heart R mon trest trap Which is typically what we would would Recommend if you really care or crave That kind of top level accuracy for your Runs now I have had some good data I Think particularly when I've been kind Of low intensity slightly moderate Intensity activities um the heart rate Against a polar h10 chest strap a gan HRM Pro Plus chest strap has been pretty
Good but as soon as I picked up the pace Or you know hit higher intensities I've Had issues with these airbuds things That I've seen you know previously where The heart rate typically is higher at The beginning of the workout you know Significantly higher than it has been on A chest strap and that kind of skews the Rest of the data ultimately particularly In the kind of Max heart rate readings So you know I've had no problems pairing It to Polo's Vantage V3 but you can also Use it on other devices I've used it on A Garmin watch I've used it on an Apple Watch as well too no problems in terms Of that connectivity so from that point Of view all works perfectly fine and Then there is the core body temperature Tracking which is new to headphones not Necess new to the wearable space now I've been testing the core wearable or Kind of call Core body temperature Sensor recently I've kind of been Throwing on during my kind of marathon Training what I've done is I've kind of Thrown that sensor on as well kind of Clipped that onto my heart rate monitor Chest STP use the airbuds as well too And I've actually seen a little bit more In terms of reliability in terms of that Kind of tracking data the data does Typically seem to tell the same story There now crucially you can only track That core body temperature and that
Heart rate together in the polar Flow App you can also do it from The Polar Vantage 33 and the polar grit X Pro 2 But the update that allows you to do That hasn't been available during my Testing time so I haven't been able to See how that looks on the watch Ultimately and it really is Ultimate There's no insights around that data it Really is about interpreting that Information so if you understand those You know what core body temperature is Going to tell you how you can use it to Better kind of work out kind of cooling Strategies then that information is Going to be useful to you I think having That real time information on your watch Can be useful But ultimately I haven't Been able to see how it's presented on The watch to you know to give you a Better sense of how you're performing Whether you're kind of whether your Performance is dropping off when you hit Certain temperatures now I get the lure Here the opportunity to get heart rate Data without having to put on a chest Strap that can be sometimes Uncomfortable is a good idea but I've Always been a bit skeptical of heart Rate tracking from the year I think Obviously it's fine if you simply want a Supplementary heart rate option and the Fact that these pair easily to your Watch and existing apps is great
But for this to be of any value it has To deliver on accuracy as well and have Reliable tracking that you know is going To be there well it's going to track the Whole run without sort of failing and in My test that simply hasn't been the case Now I've tested this up against the Polar h10 and two Optical sensors on Multiple runs and including a solo Marathon test and a half marathon Race Test at the London landmarks half now on Frequent occasions you know the heart Rate tracking starts working and then Flat lines and fails without warning or Any kind of alert over the years to say It's not working you simply get to the End of of your run and find that the Data is not there now it might be the Position of the sensor in the ear is Moved but it's hard to check that on the Move you don't want to be stopping to See if the heart rate is in there again Even on runs where the buds have tracked The full run the data is a long way off The chest strap for accuracy now if it's Not bringing at least level accuracy or Better accuracy than the Optical on your Watch it kind of immediately loses value As an additional [Music] Tool Now battery life on paper the Battery life is at the lower end of the Staying power that you can expect from Rival headphones you get notably more on
The buds and the buds plus case combo on The likes of the Jabra Elite a active The seven and the four active the Power Beats Pro and the Beats fit Pro all of Which are cheaper however Sennheiser Says you'll get six hours on the buds And 18 in the case and these all factor In the sound modes ANC wind and Transparency which some of those don't Now in testing though I found that a Three and a half hour marathon with wind And HR burn 60% a 90minut half marathon With within base boost on and HR burn 30% while a 90minut run with HRC on and Base boost off burn 20% that's with the Volume pretty high on all of those That's coming up I think just short of The 6 hours listed buds time but there's Enough in the buds and case combo to Cover 3 weeks of training I think Without needing to stick them on charge If you're a 6-hour plus marathon runner You probably will need to take the case With you to guarantee that you're going To have audio uh for the whole duration Of your Marathon I found while it can of Promisees 6 hours I think I'm probably Getting closer to 5 hours now I think That's been based when I've been using The heart rate monitoring thec mode also Using the base boost mode in the kind of Companion app as well too I found for an Hours run it it typically dropped off by 20% so that kind of works out to about 5
Hours really and that was kind of Listening quite loud of volumes I think It's they're capable of hitting that Kind of six hours but ultimately I've Seen an average it's been 5 hours but You have a quick charge mode there which Works pretty effectively so you do have That as well too you can switch the uh Sensors off as well there's kind of Battery EC mode that you can use and That will push you to that 6 hours a Little bit better I think but ultimately I think if you are using all the Features you're listening at pretty loud Volumes as well for me based on my Experience it's more likely to be 5 Hours I'm not charging it massively on a Regular basis and as I said you've got That charging case there which has a Fast charging mode and I quite like the Fact it's got wireless charging it's not A big thing for everyone but you know From a convenience point of view it's Nice to have that there but yeah good Battery life not stand out not best in Class but generally the battery life has Been fine for me in terms of you know Handing you know a week's worth of Training and not having to regularly Charge them throughout that week the Battery life has been good for me with The buds about in line with what Sennheiser says like I've maybe been Tracking a little bit lower than 6 hours
When listening to the buds even at low Volumes and if you ramp the volume up to High levels or use things like the bass Booster all the time it will drop a Little bit but you are going to get 5 to Six hours I think even with thec Activated including All Those sensors as Well like heart rate and body Temperature so that's okay Quick Charge Feature is about path of the course as Well I don't think it's a strength or Weakness of the buds battery life I Think it's about in line with others Although some like the Jabra Elite Active are a bit stronger when it comes To battery [Music] Light verdict then and I think senis Have got quite a lot right here the Design of the overall package of these Headphones is solid this is a well-built Set of buds with some good attention to Detail some nice tricks the app is easy To use with good customization the Integration with polar I think is really Nice and straightforward and it's a I Think it's a really interesting move the Heart rate and body temperature tracking Are really interesting extras as well But that said the main job of the Momentum has to be to soundtrack your Run so for me the sound the fit the Battery life and the durability Absolutely have to be bang on and in
These four key areas I think the Momentum does an okay job but wasn't Blown Away the fit was okay for me 95% Of the time the sound was good enough to Meet my needs but again I didn't find The top volumes to be that Punchy the Battery life could be longer compared to The rivals but for most Runners there's More than enough here however overall I Don't think there's enough to make me Want to spend the extra 60 or $130 over And above something like the jabber Elite a active unless of course the Heart rate and body temperature tracking Are absolutely brilliant but for me both Of those extras W they do just feel like Extras to make it worth paying the Premium for these extras they don't Necessarily have to match a chest trrap For accuracy but they have to at least Do better than the optical sensor in Your watch otherwise it's not really You're not adding anything extra and for Most Runners you know there's not really A good reason to invest sadly in my test That wasn't the case and that makes it Hard to recommend spending the extra Money on this that premium for those Extra sort of Technology skills if the Sound battery life fit and durability Package was way above the Rival Headphones you could maybe accept that 260 premium price tag for a kilip pair Of running headphones with HR as a nice
Little bonus but at the moment I'm not Convinced the value is there and unless You can make that heart rate accuracy Excellent I'd probably just rather have These headphones minus the heart rate And body temperature tracking just for 880 less so my vote on the S high of Momentum Sport and whether you us to Spend the big bucks on these airbuds is That I we'll talk about the price as Well but I think obviously you know There's some set expectations of what a Pair of truly wise airbuds designed for Running design for sport should deliver And do the sunis a momentum sport Deliver on those fronts I'm not entirely Convinced I I think my main issues Really lie with the design I think Particularly around those wing tips you Know delivering that Supreme Comfort Particularly over long distances you Know sound quality that is absolutely Not in doubt for me I think they sound Fantastic and some of the best sounding TR airbuds that I've used and then you Get to the fitness tracking features Which is ultimately what is pushing that Price up and I think while I can see Potential from the core body temperature Tracking the heart rate moning hasn't Been reliable enough for me and I think You know the fact you have to be wedding That polar ecosystem and ultimately have Those kind of other polar devices I
Think you having the watch I think Ultimately is really kind of key to that Experience and I think that's going to Cost you more money as well if you don't Already have it and then I think you Look at that price it's more expensive Than the kind of most expensive Sony Bose kind of non-sporty airbuds you know Things like the jabel aactive things Like the Beats fit Pro which I didn't Absolutely love the fit but I know you Know there is good elements of those Airbuds it's hard to justify spending The money on these airbuds when they Spend or they cost so much more than Those other airbuds I think for me I Think you can get that good level of Sound a good level of fit I think better Battery life performance and if you can Live without those Fitness tracking Features then things like the Jabra Elite a active we going to deliver you That I think the Apple airpods Pro too Which are slightly cheaper give that Kind ofc support as well too I think you Can get that fit to work for you the Sound Performance is there as well and You're getting good level of protection As well to make sure they're fit for Runs as well I think yeah I think Ultimately that price just doesn't sit Well for me I think in terms of the Performance and in terms of the kind of Question Mar to have design I think you
Know ultimately I think they probably a Better value running headphones to get If you are looking for really fantastic Sounding running headphones and you're Probably not running maybe longer Distances in these headphones and kind Of keep keep to 30 40 minutes hour run Then I think you're going to be fine With them if you're looking to run Marathons run harder you know longer Sessions them I think maybe you might Start to see some of the things that We've seen or experience in our time With the Momentum Sports verdict I Really enjoyed testing the senis Momentum sport headphones I think they Are excellent Sports headphones and they Are right at the top of the pile when it Comes to sound quality it's absolutely Outstanding and if you're really keen on Getting that that natural senheiser Sound during your workouts they deliver It in spad they really do live up to the Momentum tag that you get here which is Obviously a well-renowned line of Headphones from Sennheiser there are Some frustrating flaws here though that Have undermined the enjoyment of testing Them like I said the fit isn't the most Comfortable it's secure but not that Comfortable compared to some other buds Out there the wing tips are also a Little bit of a faf compared to other Buds and the way they move around a
Little bit and then I think the heart Rate sensor and the body temperature Tracking have been added here just don't Really add a lot to the buds I'm sure They're part of the reason they're so Expensive as well and the price is very Much a key consideration here these are Very expensive headphones even compared To top buds from the likes of Beats and Apple and that really counts against Them because they are very very good but You know I don't necessarily think they Really outperform those other buds you Can get a more comfortable fit from Those other headphones especially the Airpods pro if they stay in your ear With a wing Al the jabber Elite 8 active That are a lot cheaper than these Headphones that don't sound as good but You are still getting very very good Sound quality plus a more comfortable Fit longer battery life for a lot lower Price Bose QC earbuds are also a little Bit cheaper and they obviously are Amazing for sound quality as well the Fits probably slightly more comfortable With them as well they are also big Headphones but I do find that the both Wings are a little bit more Well-designed than these from Sennheiser So those little flaws all add up for me And with the price being so high there Are better value options out there I Think than the senheiser buds for sure
The sound quality is absolutely Outstanding here and the it is good and Reliable for sports just not necessarily That comfortable okay so there you have It our multitest to take on the Sennheiser Momentum Sports didn't quite Hit the mark for us and didn't quite Justify that big price tag now if you Got any questions about these airbuds do Let us know in the comments as always Like And subscribe hit that little bell To find out about latest videos and yeah We'll see you next fr's [Music] Video