
They might have swim in the name, but the Shokz OpenSwim Pro are not just for swimmers, with the combination of Bluetooth and MP3 playback making them great for any kind of workout. Kieran, Mike and Nick have been running with the Shokz OpenSwim Pro over the past few weeks; here’s their verdict on whether they’re the best bone conduction headphones available.

00:00​​​​ – Intro
00:13 – Design Overview
02:21 – The Run Test
02:22 – Design, Fit & Controls
07:20 – Sound Quality
11:51 – Battery Life
15:00 – Verdict & Alternatives

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Hello and welcome to run testers my name Is Nick and this is our full review of The shocks open swim Pro so the open swim Pro are a new Addition to shocks' range of bone Conduction headphones they're Essentially the best bone conduction Headphones in the Brand's range now and That's mainly because they offer two Modes of playback one via Bluetooth and One via MP3 storage so headphones like The open run and open Pro in the shocks Range are Bluetooth headphones and They've also got the open swim which has MP3 storage on the headphones so you can Wear them while swimming listen to music Without needing Bluetooth which doesn't Really connect to devices if you're Underwater shocks aren't the first brand To do this combination style of Headphones we've tested and reviewed uh Sets like this from Brands like nenka But it's the first time shocks has done It and it's creates a set of headphones That are obviously very good for Multisport athletes who need that MP3 Playback when they're swimming but also As Runners I was a pretty big fan of the Open swim headphones in the past because Having all your music on the headphones Tend to carry a phone during races for Example having the music stored on Headphones occasionally is really Valuable that you can play back without

Having to carry another media device I Said they're the top bone conduction Headphones in the shocks range and that Means they come with a higher price they Cost £169 or $180 which is the same Price as the open run Pro but fair bit More expensive than the open run or open Swim headphones headphones have shocks' Standard bone conduction design where You've got a nickel titanium alloy band Which runs around the back of the head And then you have two cheek pad that Vibrate against the cheekbones and and Deliver music directly to your skull so You can leave your ears entirely clear Which makes for greater awareness when You're outside then when you're swimming The bone conduction delivers the audio Without the need to stick anything in Your ear that might slip out or not Really fit correctly underwater you have Shock's usual button set up with a Multifunction button on one side and Then a volume up down button on the Other side which is also the power on And off button headphones are ip68 rated Which means they are fully waterproof They can be submerged in depths of up to 2 m for up to 2 hours according to Shocks in order to be completely Waterproof the open swim Pro have their Own proprietary magnetic charging cable It's actually different to the RS that You get with shock's other headphones so

If you do lose the cable for these Headphones you are going to have to buy Another one you can't swap in another Cable at all headphones are very Lightweight weighing at just over 27 G And they offer 32 GB of storage for your MP3 files or indeed several other file Type including Flack and m4a files along With MP3 so when it comes to design the Shocks open swim Pro are really nice and Light and pretty minimal if you're Familiar with shocks you're getting a Similar feel here to the open run and The open run Pro with a sort of Strokably soft silicone coating that's Really nice to the touch and sits Comfortably against the skin there's Lots of flex in the neck band and in the Ear hooks it's more of a positive for Durability than Comfort but that Flex I Do believe helps and cope a bit better If they're left loose in a gym bag Though you do get a soft carry case for Added protection now fit is nicely Disappearing on the run on the swim and Sat working in a cafe and they worked Okay with a running cap less well with Sun glasses or a cap and shades combo The MP3 music management is drag and Drop easy to transfer files onto the Headphones you will need to connect to a Computer to do it and I found I wanted More control over the playlist

Particularly once the music is loaded There's no way to order the tracks in The app and unless you're connected to a Laptop you can't see what's actually on The headphones I also had to use an Adapter to connect them to the mac and You need a charging cable and adapter And a laptop to do any kind of music Tweaking with these headphones for that MP3 player essentially you have to Number your tracks in a folder on your Computer computer to generate a playlist Order otherwise it dumps them over in Alphabetical order in one big playlist That somewhat makes the 8,000 track Storage a little bit less useful now the Controls are simple and straightforward The big multi-function button you've got On the side here is great and easy to Find on the Move however the two main Control buttons for switching between Swim to standard modes are a bit small Touch fiddly those volume controls Another thing I spotted that in mp3 mode Your phone volume buttons don't work in The water that's obviously not an issue But on the run it might be it's a minor Thing but it did have me momentarily Baffled when the volume indicator on my Phone was going up and down but the Volume wasn't changing on the open swim Pro also in mp3 mode long pressing the Volume buttons flipping between standard And swimming audio mode I found it quite

Easy to press and hold one volume button Too long and change modes accidentally I'd like the option to customize or Deactivate that another bug bear not Having a Mac compatible charging cable Means I can't charge them via my MacBook Or load music on without the adapter on Durability I actually tested these out In an 80 to 90 degree SAA which I'm Probably not supposed to and I wouldn't Be recommending doing that but I did two Separate 15 minute stints in there while Heat training for the comrades and these Survive both of them they also don't Leak audio in there which is great so in Terms of design now it's very much in Keeping with the open run series and Also the open swim so you're getting a Neck band style design I think it's a Good weight I think they're very Comfortable they don't jump around uh They feel deal for running and you know I've had no problems in terms of using Them for swimming as well too there are Some key things that have changed from The open swim which I think are Positives so you are getting some Additional controls here controls that Have been available in the open run Series but I think now that you're Getting Bluetooth mode on the open swim Pro it's good to have them here as well So that's kind of that extra button You're getting on the outer of the

Headphones you still got those kind of Um physical controls on the under side Of the right side like you do get on the Open run series and for me the physical Controls on the shocks headphones in General are very good and particularly When you're running and they're easy to Reach easy to operate easy to kind of Differentiate between the buttons as Well too so those are all positives I Like the fact that the charging setup Has slightly changed it's still Propriety charging cable but you know You don't have to kind of stick it Around that little box the kind of arm Of the headphones to kind of charge them Up and also to transfer music so I think That's a step in the right direction Here so yeah you're getting a similar Design to the open run and open swim but You're getting crucially that extra Button that you do get in the open run Series and I think a change in the Proprietary charging setup which I think Is a positive all with those kind of Good qualities of the shocks headphones In terms of its neckband style design Headphones that you'd want to see and Make them ideal for running so looking At the design of the headphones it's the Standard shocks one you get here it's a Very comfortable lightweight set of Headphones that you can quickly forget You're wearing on the run I find they

Actually fit perfectly well if you are Wearing glasses a cap sunglasses all That kind of stuff I tend to have a lot Of stuff on my head when I'm running so I usually either my glasses or Sunglasses and they didn't get in the Way of these headphones at all even when I was wearing a cap as well like I said They're really comfortable and they stay In place very securely on the run you Got the ear hook style and they just Don't move around at all so you can get A very reliable and comfortable fit from These headphones we also use them for Swimming and other workouts and yeah They stay in place really well for Everything buttons are also really good Like youve used any of shock's Headphones in the past you'll be familar With the buttons here you've got the Multifunction button on one side the Volume up and down on the other side all Of them re to hit when you're running or Working out you get little kind of Notifications either voice notifications Or beeps to make it clear that the Headphones have registered your touches So the controls are really good design Is really good it's very much par of the Course with shot there's nothing here I Don't like or annoyed me at all on the Run so big thumbs up on that Front so in terms of sound quality we Are dealing with bone conduction here

Now we are getting shock's eighth Generation version of the bone conu Technology that it offers so that's not The latest ninth generation technology That you do get in the open run Pro now You are getting two EQ modes for both Modes so for the Bluetooth mode you're Getting a kind of standard and vocal Mode for the swimming mode or when You're using the MP3 player you're Getting a standard uh listening mode and A swimming listening mode as well too That's the same as the open swim um now In terms of my experience and how They've sounded they sound very similar To the shocks open swim both in and out Of the water now when I've been running With them as I said it's very much in Keeping what I've used what I've heard Or what the kind of open run Particularly the open run and the open Swim delivery in terms that performance It's very well balance if you use it That standard mode you get more balanced Sound you get a little bit of that bass You get a little bit extra kind of just A little bit more of a versatile sound In general you switch to that kind of More that kind of more vocal Focus mode That's something you're going to when You kind of teir back that basee a Little bit that little bit more of that Warmth and it kind of focuses on on Voice and you get something that just

Works a bit better in terms of listening To podcasts and audio books but Ultimately the sound quality has Definitely been in keeping with what I've experienced on the open swim and The open run I think when I've used the Um headphones for swimming and I've used It for pool swims and Open Water swims I've actually preferred using the Standard uh mode as opposed to the Swimming modes um when I've gone swiming With them I actually think the standard Mode delivers a better or performance I Listen to probably more Up Tempo Music Generally when I'm swimming and I feel Like the the exra W and base isn't lost When you use that standard mode so for Me I wouldn't if you are going to swim With them I wouldn't write off using the Standard mode because I think the Swiming mode is good maybe kind of Clears things up a little bit but I Think in terms of overall warmth which I Kind of prefer I think it's retained Here you do get that in that kind of Standard mode when you are swimming but From a running perspective very similar In terms of overall performance and what You're getting from the open run and the Open swim if you're just using them in That mp3 mode so yeah um very familiar In terms of that sound experience and Very good still up there with the best Sounding bone conduction and open a

Headphones that I've used sound quality On the headphones has been the usual Shock experience again for me I think They are equivalent and sound quality to The other headphones in the range either The open run or open run Pro or the open Swim if you're using them in the water They do sound very good in the water Like it's obviously this is a running Channel but when you go for a swim with Them it's really hard not to be Impressed at how good they sound when They're submerged when you are out on The run you are going have the extra Awareness which is great but it comes With the downside of the headphones can Be drowned out if you're running in busy Environments and there's just not really Much you're going to be able to do about That like if you listen to a podcast or Your music and you go and end up running By a busy road which I do sometimes it's Just going to get drowned out a little Bit it can be a little bit hard to Follow what people are saying in Podcasts and the music just obviously Isn't as Punchy and motivating as you Get with in ear headphones or open ear Headphones like the open fit from shock So there are downsides for sure to this Design if you're going to use these Headphones in very noisy races like the London Marathon I think it can be hard To hear your audio at times but for the

Most part there is a great way to listen To music and podcasts on the run like You're getting a Dro in sound quality Compared to in your headphones but if You're in quiet environments the music Still sounds pretty good like I was Sitting using these at my desk today While working and they you know sound Pretty good even there I would prefer to Be listening to in a headphones or even Open headphones but it's not that bad And if you are someone who mostly listen To podcasts on the Run just runs in Suburbs or out in nature you are going To get a perfectly good listening Experience here with the bonus of all The extra awareness and the really Comfortable fit speaking of Audio and Sound you're not bone conduction Headphones for top draw sound quality And on the run out of the water the open Swim Pro offer fairly expected audio Performance for bone conductors overall It's a bit thin lacking in base compared To regular buds I found it tickly at top Volume I find I have to crank it up to That top volume quite often to get the Kind of pants kick punch that I really Like when running I also found some of The really Bassy tracks distorted at top Volume however overall I'd say the sound Delivers what you'd expect from bone Conductions it's largely enjoyable to Listen to I found it was better

Underwater where you're isolated from The outside noise more in the water Though I struggled to discern a huge Difference between the swimming and Standard modes but the audio was nice And full unless you're kind of doing Breaststroke where you get this kind of Weird switch up in sound every time you Lift your head out of the water other Things to note you're obviously getting No active noise cancellation here and There's also no EQ customization for These Either now when it comes to battery life In my tests a 2hour swim in mp3 mode V 40% while a 1 hour are run in Bluetooth Mode burned less than 10% these have Been somewhat marketed as a good trail Or Ultra option where you can run phone 3 using the MP3 players British Ultra Runner Tom Evans was actually at the Launch but for most Runners The Not So Speedy at least the 9-hour Bluetooth and 6our MP3 staining power with no charging Case probably restricts these to use Over like 50k Ultras I'm about to go and Run the 85 km comrades and I'll Hopefully be on the edge of a sub n hour And I don't think I'm going to risk These though the rapid charge here is Excellent too with 3 hour Charg for 10 minutes on the plug so if You can get them to approve for a Recharge that could be a way to make it

Work so the battery life on the open Swim Pro will depend on the mode you're Using them the listed stats are 9 hours If you're using them in Bluetooth mode And 6 hours in mp3 mode when looking at My use I found that the battery life was Draining at a rate faster than would be Suggested by those listed times and That's usually the case with shocks I Find if you have the volume up quite Loud and you're listening to music the Battery life drains fast I think shocks' Estimates basically are a mid volume Level of music and with open headphones I think you are going outside you nearly Always have to have the volume up very High so the battery does drain a bit Quicker and if you are using the mp3 Mode for a marathon or a really long Bike Rod or something like that I think You' have to be a bit cautious about not Having the volume too high if you wanted To hit five or six hours cuz it will Drain a bit quicker if you do Pump Up The Volume you can get better battery Life within shocks has range from Something like the open run Pro and the Open swim offer more MP3 playback but It's pretty good battery life Considering you have those two different Modes and they are still a very Lightweight and small set of headphones And for my use it would always be enough Battery life to get me through even my

Longest runs if I wanted to just use the 3 modes as long as you take into account That the battery life will drain a bit Faster than shock suggests if you have The volume raised quite High I think the Battery life is pretty good on these Headphones so in terms of battery life There's two ways to look at it and it Really kind of boils down to what or how You're going to listen stream your music Or audio now if you're going to use it In the kind of Bluetooth mode you're Going see more battery life than you Would get from a single charge off the Using the kind of music player mode and That's ultimate what we saw with the Open swim obviously they didn't have Bluetooth but when you use that music Play it does drain the battery quicker Than kind of shocked headphones that I Just built for Bluetooth streaming now What I found in general and I've kind of Used them for maybe an hour of running In that Bluetooth mode the battery life Drop off has been maybe 15 to 20% I Think I have but also found it a little Bit consistent in terms of using the Bluetooth and the MP3 kind of streaming Where maybe I've used the MP3 streaming For an hour of swimming and it's dropped By 10% I've used it other times when I've been out for a run and off a Similar amount of time it's dropped by About 40% so some weird inconsistencies

That I've seen in terms of using the Bluetooth and the MP3 and kind of music Player streaming I think the key thing Here as well to add is that you're now Getting a fast charge mode which you Didn't have on the open swim so that's Definitely an extra added um thing that I think is worth you know it's going to Probably give you a reason to upgrade From the open um swim because you know As I said the music player does drain The battery life quicker and now you're Getting a quick charge mode that can Help boost that battery life to get it Back up to where you need it to be So my vit on the shocks open swim Pro And whether Runners should grab these Headphones I would say you know Ultimately it has given what I think Most people including myself have asked From the open swim and that is the Option to have Bluetooth and kind of Music player streaming you're getting More storage as well too and I think the Sound Performance and everything you're Getting from a design point of view it's Everything you'd want it to be from a Good set of comfortable kind of running Headphones that you can also swim with As well now what the pricing of the open Swim Pro does is kind of put it up Against the open run Pro and not really The open swim which is going to be Slightly less or you know stay around

Slightly less than the open swim Pro and For me I think you know you're looking At what are the key differences here Because I think from a design point of View they're very similar the controls I Think for me while the shocks open run Pro has that kind of later kind of bone Conduction technology I don't there's a Massive difference in terms of Sound Performance you're getting here and with The open swim Pro you getting something That's more protected against water You're getting obviously those options To you know listen from Bluetooth or From a music player so it feels like if You wanted the luxury of those two Things and you wanted all the good Qualities with the open run Pro then you Should probably go for the open swim Pro Give you that better level of durability And all the good things from the open Run Pro for a similar amount of money Now if we're looking what else is out There in terms of headphones that offer That kind of Bluetooth streaming and That music player support and also Something that you can use for swimming Now I've tested a lot of these I think In terms of the ones that have really Stood out for me that I think kind of Would go up against the shocks open swim Pro are going to be things like the Nior um Runner diver I've used the Runner diver not the runner diver too

Those are very good I think you know Similar level of kind of sound quality Maybe slightly bulkier design there's Things like the MAA um Runner plus There's also the m hat fit Tera which is Coming out we have those into test those Are a lot more expensive but the majara Run plus can work for swimming as well Too and it's designed for running would I go for those headphones right now Compared to the open swim Pro something That works for runs and for swims then I Would be going for the open swim Pro I Use the open swim long term if I've Grabbed or wanted to grab a pair of bone Conduction Bluetooth streaming Headphones I always kind of opt or kind Of lean towards shock's open run um head Phone so now that you have them two in a Package and at a price that kind of Rivals the open run Pro and matches up Against other Bluetooth and music player Streaming headphones and I think shocks Has got a good package to go up against Competition and also compete with other Headphones in its family so I think the Open swim Pro are the best bone Conduction headphones I've tested and if You are in need of headphones that can Go in and out of the water like these Can then they are really impressive they Work very well they're comfortable to Wear the controls are very good the Sound quality is good for bone

Conduction headphones and the addition Of That mp3 mode or the combination of It with the Bluetooth mode means that They're going to be very useful to lots Of people I think like not just people Who go swimming as well as running like I said when I'm running races I have Used the open swim before from shocks Just to have all my music stored around My head without the need to carry a Phone and now with these headphones you Can use them for all your training as Well when you are using your phone and Then on the race day just load up a Playlist or a podcast and not need to Take your phone with you so they're a Good solution they are very expensive Though and if you're not going to be Going in and out of the water with them I'd say you're probably going to get Better value from another set of Headphones the open run in particular From shocks are just as good as these For running use I think and actually I Slightly prefer them because you can get A mini version where the band sits a bit Close to the back of your head which I Find just a better fit than the larger Band you have with the open swim Pro Here also say if you do want that Combination of Bluetooth and mb3 you can Get cheaper sets from a brand like nenka Which offer dual playback like that I Think shock's headphones are better I

Think they sound better I think the Design and the fit is a bit better but The nank headphones all around will do The job as well so they are expensive I Do think they're the best on the market I just think for most people and Especially Runners you probably are Going to get better value by looking at Another set of headphones if you just Exclusively swim then you probably just Want the open swim because again they're A fair bit cheaper but that extra Flexibility you have with these Headphones is certainly very valuable And you could say I suppose as a runner That if you got these you'd be future Proofing yourself against the fact that One day you're going to have to be a Swimmer because what do we do when we Get two injured to run and cycle we end Up swimming and although I do think Swimming is Dreadful uh even I go for a Swim occasionally and if I'm injured I Do it a bit more so having a set of Headphones you can go into the water With I think is very handy so yeah Really good set of headphones I think It's a needed addition to shocks' range The price is high though probably be Better value for you if you work out Your exact situation but for lots of People these will be perfect ver then And the big update here is obviously Adding Bluetooth so you've got the best

Of both worlds in and out of the water It was a big em mission on the original Open swim and if you run and swim it Instantly makes the open swim Pro worth An upgrade from those open swim if You're a du athlete Swim Bike Runner These are also your best shocks options If you want to run phone 3 these now Have you covered as well and that two For one functionality is an enticing USP Over regular iner Buds and Bone Conductors though you'll pay a chunk More for those extra smarts Comfort is Great nicely light and disappearing for Me the sound is pretty standard shocks Quality good for bone conduction better In the water on dry land but you're Obviously making trade-offs on top Volume and richness for that bone Conduction awareness the big increase in MP3 storage is welcome though the lack Of playlist management somewhat limits How useful that really is I really wish There was a USBC charging cable as well The price is fairly High also but if You're looking for that fairly USP of Best of Both Worlds MP3 and Bluetooth Soundtracked in the water and on Dryland I think the open swim Pro represent Pretty good Value that's our review of the shocks Open swim Pro let us know what you think In the comments below please do like and Subscribe ring the little bell and we'll

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