
Collect to win on KOR, collect badges, and climb the leaderboard to win the Nike SB Dunk Low Chicago!
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Adidas Adifom Infinity Slides $50
Nike Ja 1 Scratch $130
Nike KD17 USA $150

Nike zoomX AlphaFly 3 Blueprint $285
Nigel Sylvester Air Jordan 4 RM Bike Air $150

Puma MB.03 Miami $125
Jordan Luka 3 Midnight Racer $130
Adidas DON Issue 6 Spider Elite Camp $120

Oqium x WMNS Jordan Air Ship $150
WMNS Air Jordan 1 First In Flight $180

Nike Air Max Plus TNPO Wolf Grey and Black $190

WNBA WMNS Air Jordan 3 Tex $200

A Ma Maniere WMNS Air Jordan 3 $250

Adidas AE1 MX Charcoal $120
Adidas AE1 Low MX Grey $110
Air Jordan 1 Low Barons $140

Nike SB Dunk Low Olympics $125

Air Jordan 4 SE Paris Olympics $225

Nike SB Dunk Low Pro Sunrise $115
Air Jordan 3 Wings $210

Nike Dunk Low Cacao Wow and Pink Foam $130

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Seth Fowler
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Cinnaminson, NJ 08077

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#SethFowler #SitorSell #sneakerreleases2024
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These are the sneaker releases that you Need to know about in July 2024 and this Is sitter sale giveaway alert I'm giving Away this exact pair of Nike SP dunkow Chicago so one of you guys now I'm sure By now you've heard me talk about core And the badges that you can win on core And so far three different people have Won sneakers from me on core Nolan won The SLE Hur Crocs Wings won the Air Jordan 4 Military Blue and Allen also Won a pair of military blue fours plus An apothecary prize pack so if you want A chance to win this exact pair of Nike SP dunk looes for yourself make sure to Click the link at the top of the Description below and get your latest Four badge starting things off on July 1st we've got the Adidas atti foam Infinity slides these slides are Obviously heavily inspired by the Adidas Crazy Infinity they feature an Interesting closed toe design which kind Of makes them more of a mule than a Slide but I digress and the Adidas three Stripes on the side of the shoe are Actually ventilation holes which I think Is a cool touch I don't know what it is About slides or mules or that kind of Clog type Footwear but I'm into it and I'm really excited about trying out These shoes for myself so the Adidas Crazy Infinity slides are dropping for a Retail price of $50 and I would not be

Surprised if they sold out if you look At the resale market for them right now It's like $100 so who knows what's going To happen but if you want a pair of These try and grab them on release scks I don't think they're going to stick Around also dropping in the first is the Nike jaw One reverse scratch so this Shoe was actually first seen as a PE on The feet of johnar back in February 20123 and now in the middle of 2024 We're finally getting a gr variation of This shoe to release to the masses and It's coming in a very cool Grizzly Inspired colorway now from what it looks Like from the colors used on this shoe It seems like the color way of the Sneaker is inspired more from the Vancouver Griz gries than the Memphis Grizzlies but either way it's a clean Looking sneaker and I think a lot of People who are out there who are Grizzlies fans or fans of John Morant Are going to want to grab this Plus For 130 bucks it's a relatively Inexpensive ball shoe and I don't think It's going to be that difficult to get So for that reason I'm giving this shoe A SI another shoe dropping in the first Is the Nikey KD 17 USA as you probably Could have guess from the name the shoe Comes in red white and blue it features Primarily white upper accented by blue And red hits on the Air Max inspired

Overlays and hey I mean it's a clean Pair of Nike KD 17s if you're interested In grabbing a patriotic pair of kicks And playing ball on them this is a great Way to go as for Price this shoe comes In at 150 bucks and probably will end up Sitting on shelves so it shouldn't be Too hard to get and of course if you Want to grab a pair of these or any of The other shoes we talk about in today's Video I've made sure to leave affiliate Links through the YouTube shopping tab On your screen moving on to July 3rd We've got the Nike zumex alphafly 3 Blueprint this is a new colorway of the $285 pair of Nike marathon running Sneakers that consistently sell out Every couple years Nike releases a new Incredibly Hightech pair of marathon Running sneakers ERS that actually Genuinely help you run faster I run Probably about three times a week and Every time I throw a pair of these on I'm like this feels like cheating I'm Super slow in like every pair of shoes That I wear but when I wear these man I'm I'm just flying it's crazy there's a Huge amount of tech in this sneaker You've got zumax which is incredibly Soft under feet you've got air units You've got I believe a carbon fiber Shank plate which propels you into the Next step there's a lot going on that You don't have in every pair of Nike

Running sneakers because of that the Retail price is so high $285 but even With that incredibly High retail price The shoe still ends up selling out in Pretty much every colorway that releases Until like near the end of its lifespan And this is like the third colorway of The shoe to released so I wouldn't be Surprised if this colorway also ends up Selling out apparently this blueprint Colorway is inspired by the 2024 Paris Olympics which makes sense as to why It's releasing now in July I believe There are some other pairs of Nike Sneakers in the same color way that are Releasing around the same time I just Couldn't find their release information Online like a pair of Pegasus 41s which By the way if you guys haven't checked Out my Pegasus 41 review make sure to Check it out through the link at the top Of the screen but all that aside this Shoe is definitely going to be in high Demand and in my opinion it will Absolutely sell out also dropping on the Third allegedly is the Nigel Sylvester Air Jordan 4 RM bike air so this shoe is An all new take on the Air Jordan 4 it's Called The Air Jordan 4 RM or Resto mod And the shoe features a lot of different Tweaks and changes to make it a better Overall shoe for bike riding and Apparently the price is also different As well it comes in at 150 bucks which

Is like $50 to $60 cheaper than the Standard pair of fours the first Colorway of this shoe apparently the Nigel Sylvester bike air colorway comes In a dark forest green TPU and suede Material on the upper it features a Black and white midsole and a black outs Soole and also a mini Nike Swoosh I Don't know why I like it so much but I Think it's dope he's done it in other Collaborations and it's cool now this Shoe is definitely more of a purpose Built pair of Air Jordan 4s specifically For bike riding and I think for some People that's going to turn them off However I do think this first colorway Of the shoe because it's a brand new Pair of sneakers it's a collaboration it Might end up selling out however that Could change if they release a lot of Pairs of these or if the follow-up Colorways of this shoe aren't as good or Release in larger Quant quantities I Think if it doesn't release in small Quantities it's probably not going to Sell out so I'll give this first Colorway a sell because of what it is And the fact that it's new but any Subsequent colorways I think are Probably going to end up sitting on Shelves but that doesn't matter we're Not talking about those but I guess I'm Getting ahead of myself this first Colorway the bike air Nigel Sylvester

Forest green colorway I think will end Up selling out next up releasing on July 5th we've got the Puma mb3 Miami this Mb3 comes in very Miami themed teal and Pink on the side of the shoe you've got These pink scratches and this teal and Pink marbling it gives the shoe a very Unique look and I actually really dig This pair of M3s it might be my favorite Pair of M3s that's dropped so far now to Be fair I don't have a pair of M3s yet So maybe this is a pair that I grab or Maybe not I don't know but either way It's retailing for 125 bucks and while I Don't think the shoe will sell out I Still think it will be relatively Popular but yes in the grand scheme of Things I'm going to give this shoe a SI Also dropping on the fifth is the Adidas Do Issue 6 Spider Elite Camp so this is The very first colorway and release of Donovan Mitchell's brand new Adidas Silhouette the do Issue 6 it comes in a Very bright pink purple and orange color Way and I got to be honest with you I Think upper of the shoe reminds me a lot Of the Air Jordan 36 I don't know what It is I don't know if it's the shape on The top of the shoe it just looks a lot Like the 36 lows not that there's really Anything wrong with that I actually Think it's a really good-looking pair of Shoes and probably one of my favorite Pairs of do that have released so far I

Really haven't done too much research Into the tech that goes into this shoe Yet so I don't know if it's going to be A decent oncore performer or not but I Do think it looks good and the color way Is clean so there you go the shoe comes In at a very reasonable retail price of $120 and I would not be surprised if This first colorway of the sneaker is Some somewhat limited and most likely Will end up selling out finally rounding Off the fifth is the Jordan Luca 3 this Is yet another brand new silhouette from A signature athlete that plays in the NBA of course Luca donic in this case The official first colorway of the Jordan Luca 3 is the midnight racer Colorway and apparently the shape of the Shoe where the sculpting of the shoe was Inspired by luxury cars and this is by Far my favorite pair of Luca sneakers I Think it's very clean very sleek and it Kind of reminds me of a pair of nocas But in all the good ways and not so much In the bad ways plus this pink and green Colorway is kind of dope it reminds me a Lot of the do that are releasing on the Same day and a little bit of the Pumas That released a couple days before why Is there so much pink and green going on Is it for the Olympics I don't know the Color scheme of the Olympics seems like Gold is the main color here other than The Rings so I'm not sure exactly where

All this pink is coming from hey Whatever it's a cool looking sneaker it Comes into at a retail price of 130 Bucks but I don't think the sneaker is Going to sell out but I could be wrong I've been wrong before moving on to July 6th we've got the Opium Paris Nike Airship so OPM is a Parisian Boutique And most likely because of the Paris Olympics it is next in line to get a Collaboration on the Nike Airship the Shoe comes in a primarily white and Black makeup featuring purple and teal Accents around the top of the ankle area The shoe retails for 150 bucks and Unfortunately is only coming in in Women's sizing now I don't know if it's Extended women's sizing or just purely Women's sizing I I have no idea but Either way it's women sizing so people With like size 13 ft you're kind of out Of luck which is kind of a bummer Because I think opium did a great job in This collaboration it's very clean it Seems like it's sort of a Charlotte Hornet's inspiration and I'm into that And I like the little handdrawn star Accents on the toe of the sneaker it's a Cool touch now I'm sure there's a bunch Of you out there who think that the Nike Airship is kind of played out at this Point especially because the Air Jordan 1 is not as popular and we've gotten so Many Nike Airship collaborations but I

Personally still like this shoe I like The way that it looks I like the history Behind it that this is a shoe that Michael Jordan wore in the black and red Colorway that got banned this is a shoe He wore before the Air Jordan 1 it's Also the shoe that sort of inspired the Air Jordan 1 a lot of really cool stuff Going on but I understand if you have Some Nike Airship fatigue because the Shoe didn't come out for years decades In fact and then Nike just pummeled us With it so I get it and unfortunately I Think that fatigue will hurt this Collaboration I think that this OPM Nike Airship will probably end up sitting on Shelves dropping on July 10th is the Women's Air Jordan 1 First in Flight so The colorway of this shoe is not only Inspired by UNCC where Michael Jordan Went to college but also the r brothers And their first flight which took place In Kittyhawk North Carolina like the Airships that we just talked about this Shoe is unfortunately only coming in Women's sizing however I do think it is Extended women sizing I actually grabbed My pair from fine line 1721 and I Believe he has other pairs in much Larger size Could be wrong but I'm not totally sure To be honest with you but I was Genuinely surprised by how much I like This shoe the leather use on the sneaker

Seems decent for a pair of Air Jordan 1es you've got decent suede around the Mudu guard of the shoe you've got this Nice very smooth dark blue leather Around the heel of the shoe and this Bright yellow Accent on the wings logo It's a clean colorway and while it's Similar to pairs of Air Jordan Ones that We've had in the past it is a little bit Different and I do think it's Unique it Also features the words First in Flight Embroidered under the Nike Air tag right There I think it comes in at a retail Price of 180 bucks which is not cheap so If you want a pair of these I wouldn't Be surprised at all if you could find a Pair of these for under retail after Release online or maybe even in the Outlet I don't know but all around very Clean sneaker and if you grab it for Retail I don't think you're going to be Mad about it but you probably get it for Under retail most likely continuing on To the 12th we've got the Nike Air Max Plus tnp in wolf gray and black so at First glance I thought this shoe was a Collaboration but apparently it's just a New Air Max Plus color Weare and style Which I don't really get I'm sure this Look is super fashioned forward I'm sure There's a lot of people out there who Can pull this shoe off I just know for a Fact I'm not one of them the shoe is Essentially an Air Max Plus it doesn't

Feature the paneling on the upper of the Shoe like most other pairs of Air Max Pluses instead it has this very smooth Wolf gray leather and then the tongue of The shoe flips over onto the top of the Sneaker and gives it a unique aesthetic Kind of like a dress shoe I got to be Real I'm not really into it especially Not for the retail price of $190 which Seems very high and especially when the Shoe isn't a collaboration like a piece Minus one or a Jack moose or someone who Would do something like this H not for Me again though I'm sure there's a lot Of people out there who could rock this Shoe and make it look great I'm just not One of those people and I think most Normal sneaker heads out there probably Can't rock this shoe either or probably Don't want to rock this sneaker so for That reason I'm giving this shoe a SI Next up on July 13th is the WNBA Air Jordan 3 text so the WNBA All-Star Game This year takes place in Phoenix and so The desert camo design of the shoe is Inspired by the landscape of Phoenix and I've got to be real this desert camo Pair of women's Air Jordan 3s is very Very clean it's one of the shoes that I Didn't really think that I would want Until I saw it and now that I see images Of it I'm like I could rock that but as You probably could guess because it's a WNBA collaboration this shoe is only

Coming in women's sizes so guys with Larger feet probably can't rock the shoe At all and the release of this shoe is Also corresponding with time when the WNBA is becoming incredibly popular like We're getting Prime Time WNBA games Stadiums are selling out it's wild and So I think it's really cool that Jordan Brand and the WNBA have teamed up to Release this very clean pair of Air Jordan 3s now as far as the price goes This shoe is coming in at $200 which is Kind of standard fair for a pair of Air Jordan 3s but because it's coming in Women's only sizing I wouldn't be Surprised if while the larger sizes of The shoe sell out very quickly the Smaller sizes maybe don't sell out as Fast if not at all so I'm kind of torn Between giving this shoe a sit or a cell With some of the other women's shoes That we just talked about those shoes Were obvious sits this one I think does Have potential to be a cell I'm going to Have to give this shoe a cell because I Think if you have larger feet like Anywhere from a size men's 8 to a size 13 or 12 or whatever it goes up to You're probably going to have to be on The sneaker app right when it drops and It probably will sell out in those sizes Very quickly so but I'm not sure if Every single size of this shoe will end Up selling out however I might grab a

Pair for my wife and for my daughter too So that's it might sell out I don't know Dropping on July 18th is the amam maner Women's Air Jordan 3 in the black Colorway now at this moment not much is Known about this follow-up to one of the Most popular sneaker collaborations of The last decade the amam maner Air Jordan 3s that being said we do know That this shoe is technically a women's Exclusive like the original amam maner 3s we know it comes in Black instead of White in fact the entire upper of the Shoe comes in Black from images we know That it features gray sued accents on The heel and on the toe and burgundy Accents on the tongue and around the Lace isets of the shoe and of course how Can you forget the Aged midsole because Every amam maner collaboration has that And I'm still into it even years later I Feel like it's one of those fads that Eventually will die out but for me I'm Still feeling it now I actually do have A pair of these coming in so if you want To see the review for that shoe make Sure to subscribe to the channel if you Haven't yet to catch it as soon as it Drops but I'm stoked on it because the Original alaman Air Jordan 3s are one of My favorite sneaker collaborations of All time I think they absolutely knocked It out of the park the shoe is Incredible so I have high expectations

For this next colorway and while I don't Like it as much much as the original I Do think there's a lot of potential There and I'm excited to see my pair in Person now unfortunately like the Original pair this shoe does come in With a higher retail price than normal Of $250 which yes is high but for a Collaboration like this that's higher Quality than a standard pair of 3es it Might be justified and of course because Of the hype of the original Collaboration and the building hype of This collab the sneaker is definitely Going to sell out also dropping on the 18th is the Nike SB dunk low Trocadero Gardens with the Olympics taking place In Paris this year it's no surprise that A lot of the sneakers that are releasing Around the Olympics are Olympics themed Or Paris themed and of course as you Could have guess from the name of the Sneaker this shoe is inspired by the Tracadero gardens in Paris the sneaker Comes in primarily suede you've got Browns you've got white you've got pink It actually kind of has this Neapolitan Feel to it and the sneaker looks Surprisingly premium I got to be honest A lot of these like non-collaboration Nike SB dunk lows that Nike's been Dropping over the last couple months Have been pretty solid and this shoe is No different Plus for a retail price of

125 bucks it's not a bad pickup and in My opinion because it's a Nike Dunk low And it's super clean I think the shoe Might end up selling out moving on to July 20th we've got the Adidas ae1 MX Charcoal I mean shoot this shoe already Had some Yeezy Vibes to it but naming it The MX charcoal I mean come on Adidas You know what you're doing so the ae1 if You weren't aware is Anthony Edwards First signature shoe with Adidas it Looks absolutely amazing and it's taken The sneaker World by storm in fact Almost every single colorway of the Sneaker has sold out so far I mean sure There are still some limited colorways Left of some of the bad colorways but This colorway I I think this colorway is Going to move the sneaker comes in a Prim L black upper accented by dark gray Marbled overlays wrapping up on the Sides of the shoe and it's this very Stealthy like smoke looking look and I Think it looks amazing of course the Price of the shoe stays the same at 120 Bucks and is an incredibly reasonable Price for a great pair of ball shoes and Honestly even though we've already had a Bunch of A1 colorways I would not be Surprised if this shoe is very very Popular will it sell out I'm not sure And because of that I'm going to give This shoe a sit but I do think if There's a certain size you're looking

For buy it on release dat cuz you never Know what's going to happen with the Shoe because of how clean it is I Wouldn't be surprised if you're size Disappears on release day the good news Is though if you're trying to grab this Pair and your size does sell out you do Have another option the bad news is is That this other option in my opinion is Way more fire and will probably sell out Even faster and that of course is the Adidas ae1 low MX gray so I'm pretty Sure that this is the first release of The Adidas ae1 low a very highly Anticipated sneaker and it's releasing In an even better color way than the MX Charcoal because it's a slightly lighter Shaded gray and the marbling is a little Bit easier to see and there's this one Picture I've seen of this shoe online Where the laces are like super loose and It looks amazing and this is absolutely The shoe that I'm going for on the 20th I the first colorway is great but this One this is an instant sellout I don't Know maybe I'm wrong but I think this Shoe is the better option of the two Releasing on the 20th plus it's $10 Cheaper because it comes in at 110 bucks So in my opinion while the standard ae1 MX charcoals might not sell out the ae1 Low MX Grays definitely will then Finally rounding off the 20th we've got Yet another low top gray sneaker this

Time around it's the Air Jordan one low Baren so this shoe is dropping in the Color way of the minor Le baseball team That Michael Jordan played for the Birmingham Barons it comes in a Primarily white leather upper accented By medium gray hits on the overlays Black laces and a black Nike Swoosh and It's also an og1 low so it features the Nike Air logo on the tongue and of Course the wings logo on the heel man if This pair dropped a couple years ago This would have flown off shelves but Now in 2024 the hype for the Air Jordan 1 and specifically the Air Jordan 1 low Is just no longer there unless it's a Travis although the retail price of this Shoe is $140 I would not be shocked at All if we saw this shoe at the outlets In a couple months although I think it's A very clean sneaker and I wouldn't mind Having a pair for myself I just don't Think it's going to sell out and I think If you want a pair of these try to get Them for under retail cuz I really don't Think it's going to be that hard in fact Let me check resale right now and see What they're going for oh surprisingly Over retail currently they are a month Out so that could be why but I don't Know maybe they're going to be more Popular than I think who knows we'll Just have to wait and see but I Personally wouldn't be surprised if they

Ended up sitting on shelves dropping on July 24th is the Nike s SP dunkow Olympics so even though this shoe is an Olympics themed sneaker it actually has An animal print vibe to to it you've got This spotted overlay on the upper in Gray you've got some blue hits some Black hits some orange hits it's pretty Clean and it's pretty different now one Of the main reasons I don't Traditionally love animal print sneakers Is because I don't like sneakers that Shed on me but in this case I don't see Any parts of the shoe that would shed on Me it looks good it's clean I might have To grab it it's only 125 bucks too not Even a bad price and just like the other Nike SB dunk lows that we talked about Earlier on in the video I would not be Surprised if these shoes sold out either Moving on to July 27th we've got the Air Jordan 4 SE Paris Olympics so I just Dropped a full review on the sneaker on My channel and if you guys want to check That out there will be a link at the top Of the screen but I've got to say that This shoe is one of the better releases Of the month it's actually an incredibly Clean sneaker as you can tell from the Name of this sneaker it's inspired by The Paris Olympics and it comes in this Monochromatic gray colorway that sort of Fades up along side of the sneaker in a Gradient from a very dark gray on the

Outsole of the shoe to a very light gray On the sock liner of the shoe and it's Surprisingly clean and pretty unique Pair of Air Jordan 4s now it does bear Some resemblance to the cause 4S but Let's be real any pair of Air Jordan Four as it comes in Gray it's going to Look like a pair of cause 4S I think That this gradient design on the side of The shoe is very very cool it kind of Reminds me of the Air Max 95s a little Bit and uh it's super wearable it's one Of those shoes that in hand eh looks Fine but then you throw it on feet and You're like wow that's actually a fire Sneaker now even though the Air Jordan 4 Has been one of the hotter Silhouettes Over the last year or two peirs have Stopped selling out like the oxidized Green pears that released last month or The Vivid sulfur that released a couple Months ago those shoes didn't sell out For whatever reason in my opinion though That might change with the Paris Olympics there does seem to be a lot of Hype behind this shoe the colorway of This shoe is super wearable and while I Don't know if or how limited this shoe Is going to be I do think it's going to Be more limited than the oxidized greens Or the Vivid sulfur so even though the Paris Olympic Air Jordan 4s are coming In at a slightly higher retail price of $225 I do think that they will end up

Selling out moving on to July 30th is The Air Jordan 3 wings the wings program By Jordan brand works with 30 different Organizations to help disadvantage kids And in order to bring awareness to this Program Jordan brand releases a Wings Them sneaker every year and over the Years some of these sneakers have been Absolutely fire my favorite being the Wings 12s this year the wings sneaker is A pair of Air Jordan 3s and from what I Can tell from these images it seems like A slightly modified version of the white Cen 3s the sneaker features a white Leather upper accented by elephant print On the heel and on the toe there's also A leaf print or what I think is a leaf Print on the bottom half of the upper as Well as around the lace eyelets of the Shoe and then the look is rounded off by A semi-translucent bright pink outsole Now obviously I prefer the whitesman 3es To these totally but I still think these Are a pretty clean sneaker and I like The story behind them actually the heel T this shoe is super clean you've got a Clear heel tab that features a flower Printed underneath with gold leaves it Looks very very cool you I might have to Grab a pair of these for my wife cuz These are these are nice now until these Shoes release I don't know if there is a Deeper meaning to these sneakers besides Just the wings program so I'll let you

Guys know if I learn more but they Released on July 10th for a retail price Of $210 and honestly I think they might End up selling out and it's not just Because Wings sneakers in general tend To be more limited and tend to sell out Regardless I actually think this is a Very clean color way and I like what They did to it oh and one other thing it Look looks like the wings Air Jordan 30s Are only going to release on the Sneakers app also dropping on the 30th Is the Nike SB dunk Low Pro Sunrise so This pair of SB dunk low Pros features a Dark sort of reddish orange suede upper Accented by a dark green suede Nike Swoosh and the entire look is rounded Off by a gum outsole and I've got to say While the shoe is simple I actually Think it's super clean and for Skateboarders this is a Vibe according To Nike this shoe is primarily only Releasing on the sneaker app and it Comes in at a retail price of 115 bucks Which is actually a pretty solid price For a pair of dunk low Pros so hey if You're looking for a new pair of skate Shoes that are clean and wearable and Not too badly priced this is a great way To go because this shoe looks good it's Only5 bucks it's an dunk low and it's Mainly releasing on the sneakers app I Think the shoe is probably going to end Up selling out then dropping on July

31st is the Nike Dunk low caca wow pink Foam so that name is the official name From Nike but I'm seeing the nickname Neapolitan pop up all over online so I Think most people will call these the Neapolitans and to be honest with you They remind me a lot of the sty dunks Back in the day different but similar And you know what Brown pink and white Still makes for a fire sneaker the shoe Comes in a chocolate leather upper Accented by pink suede overlays and a White Nike Swoosh and is very subtle yet Very clean it seems like Nike just Raised the price of the Nike Dunk low it Used to be $110 or even $100 and now It's $130 which seems high for a pair That's not ANB dunk but hey either way It's a clean looking pair of sneakers I Love the color way I'm probably going to Try and pick up a pair for myself but I Don't know if this shoe will end up Selling out I wouldn't be surprised Either way I'm leaning towards sell Because it's such a clean colorway but I Don't think the resale price is going to Be crazy so for that reason giving this You a sale but if you miss out you Should be fine but hey that pretty much Wraps up the video for today thank you All so much for watching make sure to Let me know your thoughts on all these Releases in the comment section down Below subscribe if you haven't yet and

I'll see you all in the next one