Yo I've got a huge one ey stream Happening tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. eastern Time but I'm also giving away a wild Pair of shoes which we're going to unbox Right now I'm selling a bunch of Sneakers from my own personal collection And some pairs that I picked up through The $20 sneaker collection there's also Going to be sock mystery bags of Upcoming pairs that you guys haven't Even seen yet and of course a crazy Giveaway I mean let's be real some of The pairs that I'm selling are also Pretty wild as well all the sneaker Auctions are starting at just $1 now This is a huge Mamba day Stream So after My stream there's going to be a bunch of Other people coming on to whatnot giving Away $88,000 worth of C sneakers it's Absolutely wild so make sure to click The link in my description so you can Sign up for whatnot because if you sign Up using that link you get $15 towards Your first purchase but here we go Here's the giveaway pair this is brand New I just picked it up the Kobe 8 Venice Beach one of my favorite pairs of Kobes ever I actually still don't have a Personal pair of these unfortunately I Don't think I'm eligible for my own Giveaway so make sure to tune in to my Whatnot stream this Saturday which is Tomorrow August 24th at 1 p.m. eastern Time and hey even if you don't want to
Win anything or buy anything just come Hang out it's a live stream it's going To be fun see you guys there