Welcome to the first Niche Talk episode of 2025.
The episode starts with your hosts, Luis and Jerome, catching up on life and sharing what they have in the works for the new year.
And before we forget, The Niche Talk team has an exclusive discount code. Use “NicheTalk20” to save 20% on your entire order at Reshoevn8r.com. Act fast, as it’s only valid for the first 20 orders.
To continue the spirit of giving, we’re giving away a pair of the “Velvet Brown” x Air Jordan 1 Low. To enter the giveaway, all you need to do is 1. Like this video 2. Subscribe to Reshoevn8r’s YouTube channel, and comment your shoe size and a topic you want the podcast to cover.
Getting tight back into the episode, Luis and Jerome break down their fits, which include Luis’ “Royal” Air Jordan 1 High and Jerome’s Bad Bunny x adidas Forum Low.
Breaking down the fit.
The Niche Talk crew is starting things differently for this episode as they head into Luis’ office to examine his sneaker collection. You can best believe that Jerome has some questions up his sleeve.
To start, Luis breaks down the top five sneakers in his collection. Following that are a few gems, including the story behind how Nigel Sylvester signed his Nigel Sylvester x Air Jordan 4 RM, his most sentimental pairs, how he acquired his OFF-WHITE collection and more.
We can’t forget to mention that Luis also shares how he got his 1 out of 8,500 Dior x Air Jordan 1 Low and how strange the process was.
This episode covers all this and so much more as the Niche Talk team breaks down Luis’ collection. Stay tuned for the next episode, when TNT heads to Jerome’s extensive collection to learn more about him and his sneakerhead journey.
Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe to enter our Travis Scott x Air Jordan 1 giveaway, and stay tuned for more content like this.
What is your top five in your collection What we say chat that's how we say it Now that's how you young that's how you Young guys say it young guys yeah I sold Skunk SB for $300 that's what Adidas has Turned into closet just closet space What would you say is your most Sentimental pair oh we about to talk About these now bro yeah it ate me alive Whoa yo what's good guys it's been a Minute as always I'm Lewis also known as I'm mil Vibe across all social media Platforms and to my left Jerome AKA 215 Shooter everywhere and we are the talk Powered by ruinator that part so what do We usually do in this episode bro you Already know we always giv things away Yes we got a code for him we do have a Code use code n Talk 20 to receive 20% Off the first 20 orders on rejuvenator Docomo Fresh people it's a new year Don't have them Dusty sneaks it's very Important New Year same fire product Like what's been good bro want to give Him a quick rundown of life so far quick Rundown on life uh life has been on the Up and up no complaints here just being Able to wake up and create for the People that I love and the people that I Cherish close to me and hang out with The homies when I can you know catch up With y'all and just see how the world is Working I just got done a dope campaign With Foot Locker for these bleach as6
And shout out to the Foot Locker fan for Always putting me on and now we just got More campaigns coming through so I can't Complain man I'm just happy and in a Really good space right now I hear that Bro how about you how about you bro me Life has been life in you feel me yeah As a you know father husband you know Kids they get sick little ones in school And all that stuff so just maintaining And staying afloat and uh making sure Kind of stay uh what they call that Straight and nrow straight nrow path Yeah you know yeah you're coming up on The like actual one year of you like Taking this route of Freelance content creator photographer Videographer extraordinaire yeah how are You feeling what are you looking forward To in the New Year talk to me real quick Let's hear that H so February will be One full year we left at the end of January so technically the end of this Month will be one year I'm just excited To be in the new year and getting the Ball rolling it was a task but it was Something that needed to happen yeah Because I wasn't going to do it on my Own anytime soon at least as you know But uh yeah this kind of forced my hand And it was the best thing that happened For my career honestly yeah I feel like I got to see a different side of you and I'm not saying that I didn't see the
Drive in you from beforehand but this Was a different drive right like you had More to Proveu money my Boy facts so look congratulations and I Wish for nothing but the best for you With the year to come and I'm hoping That like you and I can continue to Collaborate on things and just like Bring what these people want to see Always it's just dope Vibes authenticity And Just Vibes twice right Vibes twice Because you're the illst of that part Yes exactly so before we get into Everything we have January's sneaker Giveaway yes of the month right so we're Talking about the Velvet Brown Travis Scott Jordan ju low yes and all you have To do is like this video sub to the Channel and comment one relevant topic That y'all want to hear us talk about Here on the pod that's simple shoe size Do not forget your shoe size don't Forget your shoe size that is very Important because it's going to be in Your size yeah and of course something We always do on this pod right we either Break down the fit yep latest pickup or What's on foot mhm what you doing I'mma Break down the fit I really like this One I'm I'm ready that's what the people Want are you going to tell them where The pants yeah the pants yeah yeah yeah
Yall get y get the details on these Pants it's okay it's okay all right so With that being said I'll start I'll Start with the bottoms these are uniform Studios um these pants came out like Damn near like three four years ago so You probably won't be able to obtain These anyways um and then we'll go to The Hat we got the hyp land Yu-Gi-Oh Collab I got the Yankee on right you got You got my guy kuribo dancing all over That was a solid drop yeah very solid Drop we have a local p's and q's uh cut And sew like very very warm button down I call it like a shacket this is Definitely like a shacket that's Definitely a sh yeah and then we have The cactus plant flea market SpongeBob Unico collab right need I don't need it I don't need it I don't need it I don't Need it I don't need it I don't need it Cuz I don't need it yeah you don't need Anything I don't need it all right uh Spoke about the pants already and then We have the 2017 Royals these John's is cooked so Yeah I know you could see that right Yeah like these definitely need some TLC Maybe a little repaint job so Vic Vic Vic I like how the the swoosh is uh kind Of Fring a little bit that's what I like About that that year gives it some Character yeah cuz these were like a Tumbled leather swoosh I realized there
Was a difference between like the the Toe box and the swoosh and it like the Frame it gives it that age right it Makes me feel like I'm wearing the 2001 Pair but these are 2017 so I'm really Happy that I still have these and these Is this is when I thought I was a nine And a Half in Jordan Ones right but but Renator got me covered because this is When they had that insole to the insole A while a while back and that that joint Has some some height to it so not only Am I like like an inch taller but now There's like less space and and it fits Like a nine so shout out to rejuvenator For that JN yeah here saving lives yeah Talk to me talk to me what we doing I'm Going break down the fit and you know go Bottom up like a convertible you Know that's actually the opposite it was Top down like you know what it's crazy Listen it's a new year I'm a little Frazzled you know we gonna get right Into it but so on the feed we have the Bad Bunny uh deas Forum love this pair Such a clean pant pants it is a gear Five ly versus kaido I don't know the Brand name ktie sades however you say it But fa fire oversized definitely on the Hoodie it is the Adidas that they had uh Jerry Lorenzo design that he kind of Modeled after the fair God Essentials Yeah so very good heavyweight hoodie and
On the Mata we have the gear five Luffy Inspired Mets Crown designed by the king We's New Era that's a cleen pinky 99 not Actually I'm 100% sure this was a no ho Exclusive Ah that's Club Hat Club yeah Club like that I like how you're wearing A hat club and I'm not cons so That's that one gift yeah insert that um All right cool yeah that's the fit look This is a fresh fit on the channel for Both of us right now got to start the New year off right yeah got to start the New year off right and with that being Said we about to go upstairs to the Office mhm and I'm going to show yall my Sneaker collection we got some sneakers To show got some questions to ask oh you Do you do oh you have these formulated Already yes ah interesting there is a s List in my phone I'm Nervous you are a Hail Mary Of I don't even know what to say right Now like that's I am yeah Accurate yes what let's head up to the Office and y'all going to see a little Sneak peek of my sneaker collection it Ain't nothing crazy but it's mine and That's how that matters if you ask you Shall receive that part let's get it all Right so we're now in Lou office we said We was going to show you his collection And as you can see he has some unique Pairs here you guys know as collectors It's always not about how many pairs you
Have it's how special those pairs are to You so I have some questions for you Right and some things I want to just Feed off of the stories that you tell me About the shoes so we don't want to one And done like oh I got these mochas from You know blah blah blah for retail like I want to know what happened like you Know like give me give me the gritty you Feel me give you the gritty the gritty You feel me all right but we're going to Start off with an actual question and Then we'll go from there all right the People definitely want to know what is Your top five in your collection we Going to start with that first starting With top five top five in your Collection this is always such a Stressful question bro um in no Particular order no particular order no Particular order if you want to put them In order like we can do that too no I'm Just going to I'm going to scan and call Them out right get get your scan on my Boy let me let me get out your way so You can see let me see as always top Down like a convertible let's start on The top bro we going to go with my Carmine sixes No top five can be a top five without These right these are a staple these are The countdown pack this is not the Retro This is not the one with the Icy Blue Soul all right this is the the piss
Yellow Souls the ones that we all love As OG sneaker heads and this is just a Very sentimental pair to me like this is My favorite six and the six is my Favorite model so like I said without This pair it wouldn't be a top five Retro these again we need the countdown Pack again like we need to run that Whole CDP pack they should do a new age Countdown pack that would be fire I like That I like that let's see all right That's One top five top five top five top five Nothing on the second sh there [Music] E decisions nah we got to go here we got To go here again another Contender that Cannot be a top five without this white Cement Jordan for right I got this 2018 Pair right still relatively Fresh The Netting is still like a little offwhite It's not like yellow right I've been Taking care of these but there is some Soul separation now like I managed to Get these off of goat uh right before The spike with the Last Dance right so Look look you I see the Toot's looking a Little cooked there whoa whoa whoa it's It's not that bad relax relax but you Can see right here we got the soul Separation um Vic I might need your help With these to but they're coming back Next year so so maybe I don't really Just got to hang these up on the wire
And call it a day well you might want to See pictures first before you uh make That jump yeah you know how they do yeah So that's Two that's Two I'm going to have to go with another Jordan Four probably one of the best fours out In my opinion in my opinion probably one Of the best fours out right so the Union Off Noir Air Jordan 4 when these first Dropped nobody was vibing with because You know we had that we had that leaked Image of the flat tongue and it just it Just was not resonating with everybody But once we saw we could you know pop The top off they looked a little better And my favorite thing about this pair is The fact that like they don't crease They don't crease when you wear them at All so another Contender to the top five In my opinion have you ever found Yourself doing that uh the Michael Jackson uh oh I've done the Michael Jackson man you've seen how many times I've creased these shoes while like Taking pictures you know like Photographers when we get down to get Like shoe angles that shoe got to get Creased unless you got the Asian squat Down but sometimes you don't want to do All that you got to hit the little John Get Low okay that's three that's three
That's three you got two left my boy I Got two left and I have a lot of shelf To look At nope this is the empty One hold up is this a nod back to your Foot Locker dud yeah just snatching Boxes my boy snatching boxes is crazy Hey snatching boxes ladies and gentlemen We got him it's not like it it's not Like it sounds it's not like it sounds I Promise good all right yeah I'm assuming You talking about yes these I know you Can't leave that off your top five these These are definitely part of my top five And it's it's not here because my Beaters are downstairs and then I was Able to double up on the new 2024 pair Of the black cement 3 shout out to the Foot Locker fam and I appreciate y'all For making sure that I was able to cop Two pairs of these like I beat my 2018 Pair I beat my countdown pack pair That's also in the display case in my Room right so this is definitely one of Like my prize possessions of a sneaker This is definitely a grail for me as Well so that's four I got one more one More I got one more H this what makes it A top five cuz it's not supposed to be Easy yeah I know you know what just for The just for the Culture has to be this has to this has To round out the collection of the top Five because this is like a time machine
For most people bro this is like a time Machine This brings me back to Nike basketball Days o Elite socks and spes Elite Socks Spies I was wearing my stripes I was Working at Foot Locker hoping that I Could hit and get these but I was at the Bottom of the totem pole right I was a Part-time sales associate so I was not In that 20% to get a guaranteed pair so I still had to camp out even while Working at Foot Locker bro so yeah South Beach LeBron a and back then these were Going for upwards of $800 oh easy and we Weren't getting that like unless you was Able I mean you you your collection You'll see way way different way Different of a collection so yeah this Will round out my top five in my opinion Because this just true Nostalgia when it Comes to sneaker head culture and I feel Like if y'all around my age y'all can Relate to and what age is that uh don't Worry about It all right so that's top five right I See something peeking out to me right And I need to have you PA on that here We pause on that that was kind of wild Do me a favor please get out of here get Out of here man I need your experience On this right cuz people weren't there Ah uh okay we might have watched the Episode of the N talk and we were we did Anything but fully disrespect this shoe
Right but notice he got a good old Nigel Signature here so like talk to us about This as a whole and that experience that You with Foot Locker again to be able to Meet Nigel have him sign your shoes and Have something that a lot of people Don't have in their collection because a Lot of people had this shoe but a lot of People don't have their signature on it To preface this is not a sponsored Episode by Foot Locker we just love Y'all it could be it could be right but So this was a dope experience it was a Very last minute experience for the both Of us right we both we were both able to Have the opportunity to see Nigel in Person person and come through to bless The Philly Community you know bike life Is huge here in Philadelphia so being Able to tie that into Philly and us be The voice and the eye for Philly to like Rep the city with that it was really Nice to have that opportunity you miss 100% of the shots you don't take so when He was uh taking pictures I just took my Shoe off and I was like yo I gave him His I gave him his props I gave him love And I showed him that like I appreciate Him as a person not necessarily as a Celebrity but what he's been able to do To impact the Philly culture and and Sneaker culture as well so like this is Just literally like Memories for me like I'm not going to wear this shoe I'm not
Going to wear this shoe but this is just Signed displayed and just appreciated I Honestly do not know the answer to this Okay out of your entire collection right What would you say is your most Sentimental pair out of your entire Collection sentimental pair and why Gonna go with these baned I know why Air Jordan Ones from 2016 right um barely Worn fairy dust is crazy on this pair But this pair is special to me because Shout out to you you created a Connection that I didn't know I had Right met my homie Adrien because of These shoes we traded I traded him bear God triple blacks right the the fear God Ones the triple black pair I traded that And a pair pair of Court purple 2.0's For a damn near dead stock 2016 ban Jordan one and while he felt as though The trade wasn't fair at the time you Know how Adrien is Adrien just likes to Get rid of and come to find out I knew His wife through photography and because Of this trade it created a relationship Through photography through sneakers That is long lasting to this day he is Literally like a brother to me a brother To you at this point Point like we go to His kids parties right birthday parties But all the kids like I'm like an uncle At this point yeah so it's a beautiful Thing to just like how one shoe can Create a relationship and continue
Through the test of time right because Like when we did this trade he looked me Dead in my eye he's like you better Never get rid of these he's like you Better never sell these and to this day Bro they still here and they not going Nowhere and it's kind of like a a dope Testament that people don't understand That's on the out side looking in as far As like sneaker culture how it's more Than just shoes sometimes because as you Said like that shoe created a brother For you and it's dope because one I Would have took him if I didn't have him Already yeah but I did and that was Around the time when you discover what Size you actually wear so you were kind Of just like yo I wear a size nine now I'm like all right cool and then Literally he like yo bro you want a Trade and I'm just like no I don't want Another pair but I know somebody I know Somebody and now that's like that's that Not like that's family yeah you know and Speaking of family and you know we got Into sentimental rest in peace Virgil R I see you have a few pair of offwhite Branded Nikes and Juran ear collection Let's talk about those and how you were Able to get them like was it retail oh Okay resale yeah like talk to us all Right so first offwhite is the five Right I don't have many off-whites but We have the muslin offy 5 this was a
Straight resell cop right off of go Right um I knew I wasn't going to get This pair and I was ready to just pay Whatever I had to like to get this pair I paid $850 at the time to get this pair Brand new and to this day this is like My metallic five replacement because my Metallic fives at the time got trashed And I wanted something that was Different and Virgil was doing exactly That from the Hang tag to just like the The rib stop upper like the little hole That everybody was cutting out so that You can see the socks like Virgil really Made it possible for you to like Customize your shoes in a way that you Wanted to and it was okay right like he Gave you a canvas even if it wasn't Blank he gave you a canvas and that was The one thing I really appreciated about Virgil and his designs so yeah that's The off-white five um oh okay bet we can Talk about I see those dunks peeking out Yep yep we can talk about lot 34 lot 34 Out of 50 the best lot in my opinion out Of the 50 right so I was lucky ly enough To hit on sneakers not this not this Colorway I forgot what lot I hit I think It was lot eight and I just didn't like Really like that colorway so what I did Was I was working at reup at the time Shout out to Nate the moment he saw me Hit that W I was able to just you know Like trade that pair in for some credit
And then I got these this is very much a Staple in my collection during the Warmer months right like this is Something that I'm always kicking on is Keeping it simple and I'm not really That big of a dunk guy anymore they're Not that comfortable for my foot so it's Just really hard to enjoy a dunk Properly I had a couple man I had the Skunks I had the skunks back in the day Still regret selling those for how much I sold those back in college because SB Culture was just like dying at the time What was that number that you sold them For you really want to know how much I Really want to know cuz you're you've Been hurt about this for the longest I Want going be hurt until the day I Die H I sold skunk SB for $300 at the Time I I was a I was a broke college Student and I needed it and and you know And you know you know what happened Adidas Adidas came back and I jumped [ __ ] heavy and as you can see there Really ain't any here right now um I see One pair those forums those Bad Bunny Forums Bad Bunny forums we'll get to That is that the only pair of deas you Have now uh I still have some boost but They're in the closet just tucked away Tucked away I could go grab them if if We want to go if we want to go further Into the collection that's what Adidas Has turned into closet just closet space
Closet space is Crazy yeah this is this is why I really Appreciate the off-white dunks this was Just like really different and this this Paved the way for a lot of customizers To see what they can do on like a Regular dunk people were doing this and Like incorporating a bunch of different Lace options on their Customs which is Really dope in my opinion uh I believe This is the last got those fours this is The last off-white I have for now I got Something the works for y'all o oh okay I know I know what you're talking about For y'all come 2025 so definitely that's Definitely a pair that I know a lot of People either got rid of or was Considering for something that you were Also complaining about I was fine cuz I Got a narrow skinny foot yeah yeah yeah But it was a lot of complaints about This sneaker I was able to acquire for Retail shout out to lapstone and it was A Bittersweet W because at that time was When like women were not being Appreciated in the sneaker sneaker Culture and I really well of course I'm Going to accept a retail W right I felt Bad there were many women out there that Weren't able to acquire this pair that Really wanted it that actually really Deserved it right right so um shout out To Brian from labstone for letting me Get these for retail labstone and Hammer
Is a amazing store here in Philadelphia And if you haven't heard of it go check It out the moment I got these I told Myself I need to treat them like one of A kind I cannot beat these I cannot like Dog these to the ground and then one Fateful summer day I wore them and my Feet Sweat started to see some sweat Peak Through the toe box and I was like hell No hell no so this shoe has been Reserved for the cooler months but Before the snow gets all dirty so yeah Offwhite Air Jordan 4 definitely one of My favorites in my collection of Off-white I'd say right but starting Next year you're about to see a really Really good custom come my way oh I'm Excited for that oh speaking of Customs Right yeah I just saw something that's Definitely customed here mhm and it's Kind of not kind of it is one of my Favorite pairs in your collection of the Execution let's talk about these oh yeah Yeah yeah bring them out bring them out Look See we got the uh Sunset Air Jordan 3s By my guy Chef hoy bro I appreciate you You did an amazing job on these muslin 3es there's not much to say these things Are just beautiful in my opinion and I Really really appreciate his execution I Seen these and it was before the whole Jay Balvin situation when he did his
Medine sunset on his threes I was just Able to create an opportunity to get These and really just appreciate Somebody that does customs I am not Really a custom type of guy and once I Saw these they spoke to me there's still So many that we have to cover I know bro I mean I see some Travis lows oh because You don't have any highs I don't have Any highs Jerome listen he'll never let It go never it doesn't matter it doesn't Matter at all all right guys question What we say chat that's how we say it Now that's how you young that's how you Young guys say it young guys yeah so What would you do right if your man's Just like yo I don't wear N I wear n and A half blah blah blah blah blah and then You get a pair right two to be exact and You have a nine and he's tried on your Nine before and said nah this don't work Would you sell it to him even though That's not his size or would you be like Nah bro I'm going hold on to these johs And just little let him fly somewhere Else you need some context all right let Let's go you need some context what's The context okay said friend AKA me this Us was not looking for a handout was Willing to pay full resale market value Yes you were you were you were so I know You wasn't trying to like scheme me and You you had nothing but my best interest When I tell you that I want that pair
You going to make it work one way or Another Double Down bro just let me get The pair and you're not the only one That's robbed me of my travises oh Adrian did too Adrian did too Adrian I've let it go I've let it go I like the Low so you're going to just surround Yourself with all the Lowe's since you You got it you got it little cousin the Little cousin is crazy the little cousin Is crazy I'm sorry I let this go we got The brags and we got the reverse mochas Reverse mochas were a gift from my from My 30 birthday before I went to Tulum Right um so you guys know he's over 30 At least that part you're Over I'm over 30 yeah under 40 oh these Are these are nasty I got to clean these Okay so I was creating a campaign for a Certain brand is it kicks World kicks World kicks world yes kicks world I did A campaign for them and in exchange I Was able to get a pair of the fragment Travises right that was that was a done Deal very easy I had the the other Mochas the other mocha Low's the all Brown the OG's yes oh those are the First lows that he you did what did you Do with those I sold them because they Were a nine and they were too Ah that's When you realize that's when I realize You need to go a half size down with Jordan one low at least for me cuz my Foot's really weird same same I wear
Nine and I get eight and a half in low Look at that look at that Wonder Twin Powers activate TN powers activate yes Where can we go now I got to go for my My babies over here one of my favorite Pickups of 2024 shout out to Nike for Bringing these back out from the Vault Yeah right and just if you know me this Color will get me every single time how Did you feel about the Sunders I mean you were there when they Like first dropped So just feel this is going to be a thing This is definitely going to be a thing So when you first showed me these Remember I was like they just a little Too bulky yeah this is one of those Shoes we though not for me but I like The way other people style them like I'm A you know we're fashion people so just Because something isn't for you doesn't Mean that you can't appreciate it I do Like the what is it the the kids of Immigrants or kids of immigrants yes I Wanted to SP the block on that pair that Pair is sturdy and I thought about it And I'm just like which color would you Go for the purple or the the purple yeah So I wanted to get the yellow one of the Kids of immigrants but then I was like Ah doesn't make sense right so the Purple pair will be purchased let's talk About something that most people in this Negro world right wish that they had oh
The Dior oh are we about to talk about These now yeah because I just want to Know like what was it like cuz I know Most people's stories are about how they Got the email and they had to like fly As in like move fast not actually flying Well maybe depending some people called It PJ you never know let's hear about How you AC Mr IMO Vibe acquired the one During Co I was getting my cardio in Right I was like running some miles Rightfully so and that is when the Raffle went live for the highs and the Lows obviously I entered like everyone Else did and didn't hear back for a very Long time and it's because of Co come to Find out it was because of Co a lot of People didn't hear back from their Raffle entries so I remember one day I Was at the track and I got that email it Was like you won and to this day I still Feel like it was a scam email I feel Like I didn't actually win this pair so Um after I got the W email I didn't hear Anything for months for months and then One day the rep called me she was like Hey you got to come pick up your shoe Today she was like we're sorry for the Inconvenience but due to covid they were Only allowing one person in the store Like per hour so they had to time slot People and you only had like 15 20 Minutes to to get in not only see the Dior collection that Travis modeled but
To pick up your shoe she was like what Time can you come today I was like I'm In Philadelphia I had to go all the way To New York granted not that far but on A very last minute yeah like thankfully Thankfully we was working at detr at the Time we really got our job done to the Point where we was able to just like Kick back a little bit right I was able To leave early efficient and it was Beautiful even more that we just got That b bonus you remember that bonus That we got that bonus came in clutch so Yes these are The the dust Bags Yes this how you know it's legit when it Come with a dust Bag there's some I was about to say There's definitely some shoes that come With a dust bag that don't deser I'm up In all the stores so here we have the Low Dior Jordan one I'll help you out There so cuz you have I wasn't open I Was just admiring the bag I can can is This my first time touching this Sho no I don't think so oh what number do you Have oh oh yeah so these were numbered Out of 8500 I believe yes you are Correct so I have number 8349 so yeah we Have the Lowe's beautiful pair these Have not touched the floor and I don't Think they ever will maybe when I decide To uh you know get down on one knee
Maybe this will be that shoe I feel like This is the perfect shoe for a situation Like that is that a hint no not at all Okay just checking so I get there right And they're behind schedule they only Have a certain amount of time to a lot People to come in right so people people Are now starting to figure out that like Dior is only letting one person an hour So now you're starting to see people Outside the store like waiting that Didn't even win you know like the Vultures the culture them let me get Them Jones and it wasn't just the people That were trying to buy [ __ ] like it Started to get a little like hostile out There I still remember just going to Check out and I took that bonus right I Took what I thought I needed which was The two grand retail right put it in my Checkings put the rest in my savings and I go to check out and I forgot about New York City Tax so I had to check in in the savings And I had to transfer money from my Savings to cover the tax which was crazy But all in all uh a really dope Experience to have a pair that there's Only like 8,500 of right and a lot of People gave these a lot of they didn't Really like this pair yeah and the highs Were where it was at but I honestly Didn't like how the highs looked the Swoosh the shape looked a little weird
To me but still to this day I don't Really believe that I got these like I Feel like I still got that like fake W Email and it's just like really Surprising how well they did this pair It looks so simple but once you really Look at the details like on the tongue And just like the materials you really Do appreciate it a lot more the fact That you hit it for so long you didn't Want no why to know that you had oh yeah I I kep these under wraps for man you as A content creator to keep these Under Wraps I know was hard bro yeah ate me Alive whoa these don't see the light of Day because I'm trying to save the Oxidation and the Soul right you're Starting to see some yellowing which is Inevitable just get a uh what do they Call it a temperature controlled room or Capsule I can get that capsule Preservation kit I definitely wish Though that the midsole was white or at Least offwhite on no I actually like That separation because it would yeah it Would have just blended with the mid Panel and that's that's most Duran ones You know but I get it this is also not Most juring ones correct and you know we Talked about me being on the panel for Nice Kicks and like sneaker of the year And stuff like that and it was one Category that was storytelling right one Of the options on the storytelling list
Was the amam maner brand in general and I know I see the threes see the f I see The fives I think that's it honestly That's it I think so wait do you not Have the uh oh I the air forces no I Don't have the black pair but oh you did You just got the air forces got the air Forces right Here but yeah I'm a man as a whole ever Since they're Jordan 3 Like I feel as though they've been Hitting the nail on the head when it Came to storytelling and execution right Um Quality is crazy yeah quality has not Fallen off at all maybe I should do it This way because yeah right um yeah Quality has not fallen off at all and Intention has not fallen off either in My opinion being able to just see the Progression I was kind of disappointed In some of the models that came out but You're not going to like everything that Comes out I know that wholeheartedly I Didn't like the ones I was not a Personal fan of the new threes ands yeah I didn't like the black pair I didn't Like the new fours either but uh when This uh While You Were Sleeping like Collection first promoe I I vividly Remember just like the entire collection Photo just seeing the Air Force just Like kind of not getting no shine and I Saw them and I was like damn that's Going to be the one from this collection
I was like that's going to be the one And I'm not an Air Force guy you know I'm not an Air Force guy especially Being from New York that's kind of weird I think I just air forced myself out From like my childhood it was literally My war and yeah seeing this pair like Once it got the the detail images and Just understanding like how much effort And attention to detail went into into This pair it was a it was a no-brainer And these were sitting like the entire Collection honestly sat like for a while Which is unfortunate but as you can see I really do have love for the three I Have a poster of the three right there And ever since that pair I've had Nothing but deep appreciation for amam Mana as a brand and the collection that They've been dropping I definitely do Want to spin the block on those airships That they dropped like the black and White pair that is super clean in my op Opinion but I plan to wear these very Soon and I'm looking forward to seeing How these hold up one one detail that Somebody pointed out to me that I did Not realize was the toe box like they The A's oh I see I didn't even notice That like here here and here obviously It's not all preforated like uh a Typical Air Force One but I saw that and I was like damn that's something that I Did not even pee myself so it's really
Dope to get a pair and then like Constantly see something else When it comes to like attention to Detail or like something that you really Didn't realize at first I definitely Feel it was it am on year that also Dropped that uh converse with the swoosh Yeah yeah they actually growing on me Cuz because it's different but that's Something we've seen for a while now in The custom world yes that I feel as Though like Amma Mane is getting a lot Of praise for as like the originator of It yeah but we've definitely seen people Do customs for a minute now because Converse is part of Nike I know I see a Pair of bricks here so you can Definitely build a house with These it looks like you were trying to Build a house in them literally I a Little dirt here on collge you despised This pair at first yes I mean yes they Have grown on me yes to the point I Selected a pair for free yes you spun The block and you got them for free but The union Air Jordan won I remember Seeing these in hand early shout out to Pops shout out to Nate oh yes you did Yeah I saw these early and I was just Like I know no one likes these because Of the whole footscape integration but This is something that I feel as though The sneaker culture needed like just the Differentiation with the Jordan one
Because like we were just getting Plummeted with Jordan one after Jordan One after Jordan one after Jordan 1 so Like some type of switch up was needed In my opinion at least I love this pair I like that it's different from the Other Jordan Ones with Union and I like That it just like it's like a stand up Al okay ranking so it goes guava I don't Even know what to call this pair I Forgot what the name like BBS yes that part yes so you're right it Would go blue toes off fors and then the Black toes okay so black toes rain Supreme in my opinion even though I said I have enough well you already have These so yes correct you know it was Just something about that yellow lace That just like spoke to me when it came To this pair bro I don't hate it now I Remember when you first did that I was Like bro no no because you're a you're An OG you're the black tongue black lace But it threw you up because it's a split Yeah like just how you like you got in The forest I know this is the trend now Put the ones back with the uh people Using the Union One laces and the fours Oh yeah yeah yeah but uh you know even Before that that was dope to just see The split lacing and the yellow just Didn't work for me but so I now Appreciate it honestly all in all I paid Resale for every single one of these
Thankfully these two were relative cheap When I got them I got the black toes Week of release day I paid five and you Know yeah they were going they were Going for crazy numbers at one point and Then I want to say like a year later Shout out to my boy Kevin I told him That I was going to complex Conor Chicago and I needed some heat so he had Two pairs of the blue toes and he was Not trying to move these at all I had to I had to oh I remember this yeah I had To beg this guy to sell me that second Pair and he sold them to me for a th000 So still Not that bad for what these were going For at one point cuz these were hitting Upwards of 2,000 at some point so They're both still pretty in pretty good Condition uh these are the ones that I Paid a lot for like a lot for the Jordan 4 in my cuz these plummeted they started To go down but at the peak I paid 850 Each sheesh yeah I paid 850 each for These on Goat at the time I just I was Just driven by the hype and like wanting To complete the set you know right like I was like all right I got these two These were the first two that dropped With the fours so like let me just let Me just finish the set and then I didn't Know they were going to drop more fours Keep going the seos that ugly green and Purple that everyone thought was
Supposed to be like Lakers colors at First that's when they leaked the colors But it didn't look right at all in Person this I'd say this is probably Like my favorite collab in my collection Right like this isn't actually a pack I Know what you're saying though like as Far as from the uh collaboration exactly Like I made this a pack in my in my mind This was something like all right this Is an auto cop like I needed to complete The set in my opinion so in light of That I'm assuming you will be coping the Uh the Chicago looking PA that's coming Up I mean we spoke about Chicago Shadows Yeah we we spoke about the sh Shadow sh Shadow however we want to call them but I did say I have enough red damn it I Tried to get you yeah I know I know you Did I tried to I know you did but I also Admitted to the fact that I might be Consumed by my hype Beast nature if you See them mind your Business don't quote me one thing I Definitely want to talk about I know I Have a lot of Jordan Ones in my Collection SBS yes the SBS that fade Away and that you can just like will you Ever turn them into Chicago I will not Because you know why because you have Chicago I have enough red black and White shoes in my col what if I'm just Like hey bro can you go to the store Real quick and then you come back and
It's like you looking for them one day Like yo I want to wear my my Lakers and You turned them into Chicago chicag you Catching these hands what do you mean Bro what do you mean this is definitely A favorite pair of mine in the Collection uh just appreciation for the Colorway and the option to customize and Make them your own because we saw a lot Of things that people did like with the Lance mountains like the ogs yes and Just being able to incorporate that into A Jordan one and having the SB insole is A plus for the Jordan one you know you Get that extra Comfort they actually Look pretty good with the uh like the Red like peeking right yeah then even When I saw a lot of people just take the Acetone to them and like scrub them off The purple lines like peeking through The oh yeah it still looks like really Take the purple off completely yeah I See what you're I think it got like Embedded into like the threaded areas so You can still see it kind of peeking Through but yeah bro like to me this is A very diverse collection and it tells The story of who you are as a collector Over the years and I want you to take a Little step back and just look at Everything that you've acquired over the Years you know old new it's got a little Bit of everything if you could pick one Pair right to end this on what would
That pair be and try to make it Something that we haven't talked about Cuz obviously we didn't get to the Entire collection yeah because we'd be Here for hours yeah for sure so you know Just pick something that you know we Haven't talked about and just kind of Touch on in a little bit pause before uh We get out of here call myself yeah so So we spoke about A6 but this pair Directly ties into my appreciation for Design um I went to college for graphic Design and hidden New York did an Amazing job on incorporating blueprint Design to this pair in my opinion so Like there's a lot of small features That really remind me of my college days And like just being in the lab working My ass off to like get get good grades And graduate so not only is this pair Comfortable this is the pair that like Introduced me to the gel NYC silhouette And shout out to Chef DOI AKA Adam I Appreciate you for even putting me on to Hidden and just what they were doing as A brand with as6 because like this pair There's so many different details and Subtle touches that like you can look at This shoe for a long time and really Just appreciate all the really really Subtle details and and one reason I got This shoe is because I at the time I Didn't really have that many green pairs In my rotation so seeing that they
Really Incorporated the green was just Like really a really nice touch and it's Just a beautiful pair overall in my Opinion so this is something that I had To touch on like my favorite detail is Uh the bounding box on the hidden logo Right here like this just reminds you of Illustrator Photoshop and just like Editing right and like everything like Doesn't have to be like a final product Right everything is in progress and That's what this reminds me of for sure And I know you said that actually Inspired your design for your T-shirt Yeah exactly yeah I did a I did like my Own t-shirt drop with my homie Kelvin I Took inspiration from this design to Mine and Incorporated like my own Photography and came out really well Everybody everybody understood the Assignment and it resonated well with Everybody that CED so yeah so obviously This is your personal space and your Personal collection um appreciate you Allowing the viewers to have a glimpse Into something that's very personal to You which like we know a lot of people Don't want to share because they want to Keep it close and personal what we want To know from you guys is what was your Favorite story from hearing how he Acquired the pairs from the resale Prices to retail making connections and Friends and such and so forth uh from
All of this and what is your favorite Pair In his collection we want to know about It again I'm Jerome I'm leis we the Power by rejuvenator make sure y'all Tune in to the next episode because now We're going to look at Jerome's Collection yes we will his collection is Like three times the size of mine so we Gonna be there for a minute Maybe maybe you got to wear booties in The Basement that sounded so wrong but okay Damn I said wear booties I I'm going Bring house slippers okay I'm I'm joking Anyway I know I know you are we Appreciate you as always make sure you Guys follow the rules for all the Giveaways and make sure you use Niche Talk 20 to get 20% off all rejuvenated Products but it has to be the first 20 Orders so y'all seen how dirty my sneaks Are don't be like me yeah don't be like Me clean your sneaks and do it justice We appreciate y'all deuces