
In this captivating video, we’re delving deep into the realm of sneaker preservation alongside Capsule, a revolutionary brand spearheading the movement toward sneaker care excellence. Join me as I sit down with the innovative mind behind Capsule, Darin, to explore the genesis of this game-changing product and its journey to prominence in the sneaker industry.

From its inception, Capsule emerged as a solution to a prevalent need within the sneaker community. Darin shares with us the genesis of his idea, shedding light on the pivotal moments that sparked the creation of these preservation pods. It’s a testament to the power of innovation and recognizing gaps in the market.

Transitioning from concept to reality, Darin walks us through the arduous yet rewarding process of bringing Capsule to life. We delve into the intricacies of prototyping, witnessing firsthand the dedication and meticulous attention to detail required to craft a product of this caliber. It’s a testament to Darin’s unwavering commitment to excellence.

But what truly sets Capsule apart is its scientific foundation. Darin enlightens us on the intricate science behind the product, unveiling the meticulous research and development that went into its creation. It’s a fascinating exploration into the intersection of technology and sneaker culture, demonstrating how innovation can enhance even the most seemingly mundane aspects of our lives.

As we journey deeper, Darin provides invaluable insights into the design process, highlighting the challenges and triumphs encountered along the way. From sourcing premium materials to overcoming design hurdles, every step of Capsule’s evolution is a testament to perseverance and ingenuity.

Moreover, Darin’s transparency about the obstacles faced during the product’s development adds a layer of authenticity to Capsule’s narrative. It’s a reminder that success is often accompanied by challenges, and it’s our ability to overcome them that defines our journey.

Join us as we uncover the secrets behind Capsule Sneaker Preservation Pods, and discover how this groundbreaking product is revolutionizing the way we care for our beloved sneakers.

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Are you interested in winning these $700 Travis Scott johnman Jacks all you got To do is subscribe to our YouTube Channel rejuvenator and comment down Below your favorite Tris Scott sneaker Of all time we'll be running this Giveaway for the entire month of May Good luck everybody let go imagine if Your sneakers could stay looking brand New forever well one company has made That a reality today we're going to be Diving into the world of sneaker Preservation with Darren Lee from Capsule how about you introduce yourself And explain to us how you came up with The name capsule uh my name is Darren Lee and I'm the founder of capsule so Came up with the name capsule is Basically a play on the word soul of Your shoes and then like a time capsule So if you think about preserving your Shoes you think of like putting your Shoes and a time capsule so just it was A perfect blend of two words of soul and Capsule so that's how we came with with The name capsule I love it it's easy and Catchy yeah it's people remember it I Think sometime when you when you hear it And you see it what can you tell me About the moment when it hit you this Product didn't exist and it was Something we needed so I to tell you About that moment I have to take it back To my childhood I had these beautiful

Puerto Rican Air Force ones they had This red soft leather these white Midsoles and it was just beautiful shoe One of my favorite shoes of all time and I go into my closet one day and it's Completely yellowed like you know Air Force ones are famous for that common Issue you really didn't have all the Cleaning availability now you didn't Have renator we didn't have there's no Tutorials there's nothing there was Nothing out there like that it was Really just like the Payless wide out And like some foot lock or shoe cleaner And neither one of those worked Flash Forward to 2019 I'm looking at you know Some of my shoes and I'm literally Seeing some of them starting to Yellow Um seeing little forms of cracks in them And just I know that all shoes are going To fall apart eventually but there had To be something out there to helped them Last longer and the more I looked the More I didn't find anything it was People using like Ziploc bags you know Shrink wrap vacuum seal bags but nothing That had been backed by science nothing That had been tested and so I wanted to Like find something personally for Myself and then I was like well if I Need it I'm pretty sure there's a lot of Other sneaker heads out there that would Want this product right so I started Doing a bunch of research I couldn't

Anything that was like available on the Market so I thought there was something Here it's amazing I got capsule man I Have a few ogs like 85s and stuff I Definitely use it for the older stuff Cuz I'm trying to preserve those as long As possible they're already like 40 Years old you know so if I can make them Last another 40 Years that' be awesome Yeah and that's like the great thing About capsules like when you're not Wearing it you can preserve them and It's really people like me and you it's Like if you have 70 pairs of shoes You're not wearing them that much yeah I'm not sure if that's enough wears to Prevent them from falling apart in x Amount of years you know it's kind of Hard to say yeah it it really is and Like each shoe is different each shoe is Made for different material different Factories so there's like a lot of like Factors that go into this 100% but the Biggest factor that some peopleware was The oxidation the hydrolysis which is Just basically fancy words are saying That your shoes are being exposed to the Oxygen and moisture in the air Y and so What our product does is it seals the Shoes so that the oxygen moisture is not Coming inside and then two re replace The air inside because there's still the Bad air as we call it it's still inside The Pod and so what what preservative

Does it replaces that air inside and I Know a thing or two about sneakers of Course hydraulis happens when the shoes Don't get worn for x amount of time the Material doesn't dry out it actually Gets moisture on the inside to the point Where it just starts to fall apart so Capsule prevents all that it helps Prevent it yes so like obviously there's Still some of it's going to happen over Time it's not going to be like if you Put it in here forever I'm not going to Say your shoes are going to last forever But they're going to extend the life They're still going to extend the life Of your shoe based on our testing right And that's key and that's the key here Cuz I I do want be like forthcoming with People and be honest and say like hey Your shoes aren't going to last forever But you're going to get a lot more wear Out of them by wearing the shoes and Then preserving them with cast at the End of the day these shoes are expensive When you have X amount of pairs such as Us over 50 pairs it's kind of hard to Rotate them all I have a pair I have a Bunch of shoes that I wear all the time I have a pile of shoes that are brand New with Jordan 3s Jordan 4s all Polyurethane moles they've been brand New for over a year it's pretty cool now Knowing that there's a product that can Help prevent all that stuff from

Happening it is and you know the Fascinating thing about this is the Science behind this product isn't new so It's it's similar to what we call Nitrogen perene so what we use is like Inert substance what our preservative Does it keeps the shoe neutral so Like Oxygen if you think about it it causes Oxidation causes bacteria growth cause Mold growth right you don't want those Things happening to your shoes so what Our preservative does it actually keeps It neutral people use this technology It's been used for years one product is Like food products they use it all the Time so like a bag of chips most people Think it's like air inside but it's Nitrogen interesting if you think about Why your chips stay fresh for so long we Don't open them is that why they Charging three bucks it's not cuz of the Oxygen it's cuz of the extra stuff Inside yeah exactly so it's similar Similar to what we use um is a similar Substance it's really not brand new Technology but we're just introducing it To the sneaker wheel that's honestly Brilliant man so you broke down what Spark the overall idea but what was the Biggest challenge on getting the first Prototype running I would say like the Biggest challenge was really finding Supplier and finding someone who had the Scientific background to actually build

The product or design the product so I Didn't want it to be like hey oh this Guy was in his basement and he's been Having shoes for like 30 years and he Came up with this product I wanted it to Be like someone with credentials he's a Scientist he specializes in X Y and Z so What I did is I found this guy named Mansur and he has a PHD in polymers Synthetic rubbers or like Nano composits Which is like basically what your Sneakers are made out of right and so he Came up with a design um came with the Purge the purging system using our Preservative as we call it and then my Part took over from there was trying to Find someone to actually build it and Source it and so I'm reaching out to People on Alibaba man in like like on The internet like all times at night cuz They're like 12 hours ahead so I'm up Late trying to figure out like hey I'm Send you some design specs can you like Not share it can do I need an NDA like All these things I don't know I'm trying To figure it out I'm to fly and so I Finally found a guy in China this just Like probably after 4i prototypes he's T Be one and it's it works they weren't The prettiest but it was functional and Then from there we we just made constant Improvements and got people's feedbacks And try to make it more functional more User friendly and just easier for people

To like actually want to display it and And and show it off to people as well From the moment you hit up the first Person to when you finally got the first Prototype how long did that take uh over Over two years I want to say two years So and part of that was because I I my Daughter was born during that time so I Took a I took a short Hiatus but another Issue I had is there was a problem with The original design like of how we had The zipper we had the zipper like kind Of in this U shape instead of like a Instead of like a zipper going down and So I had to work with another guy to Help me improve the design and so once We did that pretty much smooth selling Like we were able to get the the right Um prototype in and it was really more Functional at the end of the day it's Just you for the most part right but I'm Sure you had to contact this person this Person that person how many different Phone calls was that yeah so I think the Easiest way to kind of like really Explain like the calls I had to make is To kind of walk you through the design Of this so like I had to find someone to Design it so probably 20 to 30 calls Damn I hired people to Source it for me In like Mexico United States I reach out To people everywhere just to figure out Who could design this for me and like Airb in America was really expensive

They wouldn't do it unless I was like a $100,000 minimum quantity and Mexico They didn't have the skill set like they Didn't have what's called TPU welding so All around this it's like one seal right Like I was trying to tell you and so if You just if you just grab it and you try To unzip it you'll you'll you'll see it Like our zipper is like airtight it's Not like a regular Zipper people will genuinely like They'll call they'll email me and be Like hey is a zipper broken I'm having a Hard time opening I'm like zipper is not Broken it's it's really like a type of Zipper you have like a wet suit like It's designed to be airtight or Watertight would you say there's a Technique to getting it open without Struggling as much um I would say like You you know the top part is like for The handle right so that little part Where you got it right there that's like The handle give you some leverage and Then it's really like it's not like a Violent pull but it's just like a slow Kind of like heavy pull there you go You're right man it's not that hard so Won't call you Anymore we touched on a few different Things such as hydrolysis sneakers Yellowing it's going to happen in all Shoes no matter what at some point how Did you test this product to actually

Know for sure yeah that capsule is going To prevent those things from happening One of the biggest things that we wanted To do is make make sure that when people Preserve their sneakers we using our Product that there was some science Behind it and also testing so we sent it To independent lab and they have these Like machines I call them like these Accelerated age testing machines and Basically they use them for all types of Things but one of the things they use Them for is like uh power lines to see How long they all last in like Alaska Versus like somewhere hot like here like Phoenix so they can you could control The weather in these machines and expose Them to UV sunlight moisture oxygen you Know all the things that cause your Shoes to yellow age crumble fall apart And so what we did is we cycled through Different weather conditions to expose Your sneakers to like an excessive Amount of oxygen moisture sunlight more So than you would get if I just like Left them outside for a year or Something right we did 400 hours of Actual testing in these machines every 100 hours we would take them out and we Would look at the shoes so I actually Have the pair that we tested me you Could kind of see you kind of see the Difference between the two um you know This one was outside of capsule this one

Was protected by capsule and so you can See the color change over over time over 400 hours and every 100 hours we would Take out look at the color change just To kind of see how well the product was Working I mean I used it myself man it Does work so again being a user of this Product I know how this works the first Time it might have been a little bit Tricky but I got it down do you want to Break down how to use this product yeah I could definitely show you I just need A little bit more space than than this Right here I got plenty of space let's Go all right so this is the starter kit And a starter kit is going to come with Your instruction card you scan it here And you'll get instructions download to Your phone then you're going to get a Small dust bag and this contains our Preservative which comes with one Cartridge and you're also going to get One inflator and then the large dust bag Comes with our pod there's three sizes To the Pod small medium large each of Them is designed to fit right in your Shoe box we have a medium today which Fits up to a size 10 and so on one side It's clear so you can still see your Shoes on the other side it has this Fabric which helps block from UV Sunlight so after you open everything up You want to connect the inflator to the Cartridge you want to screw this on and

You want to keep screwing until you hear The seal break it'll sound like a Hissing sound keep screwing until you no Longer hear it so it's just stop and That's how you know the seal is tight And there's no leak or anything coming Through after that you're going to unzip The bag and place your shoes inside so I Recommend people put toe of the shoe Point it towards each the valves using Our Kobe grinches today these are size 11 but we're still going to fit them Inside this bag so we're going to seal It tight and this way you know that it Is completely sealed shut then next you Want to unscrew the inlet valve this is Where you inject the preservative into The bag open the outlet valve just a Slight um full turn should be fine it's Going to give it enough so that the Oxygen moisture inside comes out you Don't have to loosen It Up 3 or four Times turns just one to one and a half Turn should be enough and we're going to Connect the inflator to the inlet valve And you just want to screw it on with Your fingers like this make sure it's on There tight and then you want to just Let this lever just pull a little bit You don't have to keep turning the lever You could just pull It you're here and see the bag Inflate and then you compress your hand A little bit down on it to hear the

Oxygen moisture Escape then you want to Close the outlet valve then you want to Unscrew the Inflator then after that you can put the Cap back in and then you Simply store your shoes they're ready to Be stored and you could put them back in The box or drop front or wherever you Prefer and we are done Daren this has Been extremely helpful I learned a lot Just from sitting here talking about Capsule thank you so much for sharing The backstory of capsule how can the Viewers find yeah man I just want to Thank you for having me first but the Viewers you can find me at capsu Store.com also our handles our capsule Store for Instagram um Tik Tok and YouTube as well so go check us out and Um yeah you'll see us around by the way Man I'm sure the guys told you not to Wear the same pair of shoes as I did Well we did not plan you but you have The 85s on 95s 95s don't do that again Okay just kidding thank you Darren so Much man for hanging out with me and Teaching us about capsule if you stuck Around this long we're giving away three Starter capsule kits to three lucky Winners drop a comment Down Below on What sneaker from your collection you Would use capsule with if we pick your Comment we'll send you a kit free of Charge lower 48 only make sure you

Subscribe to rejuvenator we appreciate All the support over the years we'll Catch you guys next Monday see you guys