
Each month the Run Testers try out piles of running products, but there’s a lot of kit outside of shoes and tech that we don’t get a chance to talk about until we do a full round-up.

This month we’ve got a whole heap of the latest kit to talk about, from caps and shorts to some of our favourite running nutrition.

Check out The Run Testers podcast:

00:00​​​​ – Intro
Kieran’s Picks
00:37 – Adidas Control Running Short Leggings
02:20 – Gymshark Sport Joggers
03:34 – Sidas Slicone Gel Cap Toe Protectors
Nick’s Picks
04:50 – Sonicfoam Memory Foam Earbud Tips
05:53 – OTE Energy Chews
Tom’s Picks
07:30 – Tracksmith Berlin Long Sleeve
08:42 – Sasky Checker Shorts
09:55 – High5 Zero Tablets
12:00 – Coros Velcro Running Cap
Laura’s Picks
13:44 – Soar Speed Shorts
16:04 – Asics Fujitrail 2 in 1 Shorts
17:50 – Precision Fuel Carb Chews
Gills Picks
20:31 – Panache Sport Ultimate No Wired Sports Bra
22:00 – Bodylight Nightvision Light

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Hey Tommy from the Run testers with Another monthly Roundup in this video we Talk about all of the kit and bits of Tech maybe that we've been testing over The past month or so that we just wanted To tell you about there tend to be Things we don't normally cover in a lot Of videos Um so let's dive in and see what we Picked this month So for my first pick I've got some base Layer shorts at least that is how I wear Them but I think they're really kind of Made for track speedsters to wear with Nothing else on and while plenty of People might be happy smashing out track Intervals in these alone maybe a t-shirt As well I like to keep things a little Less exposed so I wear them under a pair Of shorts now these are part of the new Adi Zero control collection they're a Collaboration between Adidas and Material experts Reon Labs now the Marketing blurb says that they're made Using a reactive super polymer material That limits energy loss by positioning The muscles into the most efficient Position and that's done with Strategically placed rayon material the Soft and flexible but instantly becomes More rigid and supportive when you Perform high intensity movements so when You move okay it sort of locks and holds The muscles where they're supposed to be

Now I'm not sure about all of that kind Of jargon and sort of marketing Tech Speak but I judge these based on whether Or not they felt comfortable and Supportive whether and one of them and What I do know is these definitely make Your quads and hammies feel really nice And locked in they've got that kind of Armored up sensation that's really nice And a good pair of base layer shorts you Basically put them on and feel ready to Go to work now they're a touch longer a Bit more compressive than my usual base Layers but I really like that locked in Feel and I can see these being used a Lot to boost comfort and warmth Particularly in the winter weather that We've got coming up now the seams on Them are a little bit more chunky so I Wouldn't necessarily trust them without A whole load of Lube on long runs but For the shorter faster stuff Particularly intervals on the track These were Ace there are leggings and Base layer tops as well using the same Material if you want to have a look at Those so these are the Adidas by Rion Labs Tech fit control shorts now I Recently did a test of the best Sweatpants for Men's Fitness website in The mix of products I looked at one Really stood out for gym going Runners And that was these these gymshark sport Joggers they blew me away for superb

Comfort for warm-ups strength training And post run layering up they are great They're made from a really thin and Light fabric mix that's quite tight Fitting not a second skin type but Really hugging kind of makes them really Comfortable but it's also brilliantly Stretchy so you get maximum flexibility And freedom of movement plus there's a Really really soft lining in here that Boosts the overall Comfort they're Lovely to wear I found them great for a Wide range of drills from jogging Warm-ups to doing lunges box step-ups And all the dynamic stretches all those Things that you should be doing as a Runner I even managed some light Recovery treadmill runs in them and I'm Pretty sure that these will work a treat To take the edge off on cold winter runs If you're doing like a run to the track Before you do your session though they Could get a touch sweaty if you're going Fast or too long I wasn't really into This style of joggers until now and These have converted me mainly because I Think they're a nice and versatile and As a result for 35 pounds I think they Add up to really good value now finally It's me I've got a toe problem my little Toes live basically too close to each up To their neighbors and get a battering If I run for more than six hours because If one of them lives on top of the other

That's a problem for doing Ultra so I've Been on a mission to find a solution to Help and these silicone toe caps from Ciders have provided some relief Basically you can stretch these over Pinky toes and it provides some Protection from friction it's not 100 Foolproof and you have to take care how It's positioned if it slips it can just Exacerbate the problem kind of adding Something else into the mix in between Your toes whilst you're running but I've Done three to four hours with them on And they seem to help now I'm off for a Hundred mile run around Lake guard at The start of October so that'll be a Longer test of these but if you struggle With this kind of toe on toe aggression That I do these May well help these are The cider silicone gel cap toe Protectors check them out So I've just got a couple of small Things to highlight this month and the First is memory phone ear tips for the Apple airpods Pro 2. so we're just Testing out the new model of the airpods Pro 2 for reviews and I'm having my Usual problems which is they with the Silicon tips on them that you get from Apple they do fall out my ears a little Bit when I'm running I've adjust them a Lot they move around a bit and Eventually they will fall out if I just Ignore them entirely on the run so in

The past I fixed this with using Third-party silicon Wings which you can Get on Amazon and that works quite well But obviously they don't fit in the case So you have to put them on and take them Off every time you use the headphones It's quite annoying so I thought I'd try Some of the memory foam ear tips you can Get out there so I think comply are the Probably best known brand in this area But there are loads on Amazon you know Everywhere they're easy to find these Things I bought from there called sonic Boom and I got five sets uh you know Fairly cheaply put them on and they do Fit really well in my ear and actually I'm not any problems on the run at all Like they go in my ear stay there I Don't have to adjust them and it's been Great because they do fit in the Charging case and like the Silicon Wings They're pretty comfortable not quite as Comfortable as apples um own silicon Tips but they're still pretty Comfortable it just means I can now use The Air Force Pro 2 for running a lot More easily without worrying about the Fit coming loose also find out if you've Always used the technique people use for Ear plugs to put them in my ear they did Stay a bit more secure as well so it's Taking a hand behind your head like this Way sorry pulling your ear up and then Showing the headphone in so it's more

Lined up with the ear canal about work Quite well so yeah I just would pick up Any you see on Amazon you need to go for Any particular branded ones of these and They will just hopefully improve your Running experience with the um airpods Pro so if you do find they come a bit Loose during runs some people also say They improve the seal for sound quality That's not recently I've noticed that Much myself but they are better fit for Rubbing and the second thing I want to Highlight the spam is the OTE choose I Talked about these in my ultra marathon Video I did recently under the Iran Ultra 50 mile race use these a lot During the race had one like per lap of The Five Mile looped course so you're Doing to do 50 miles it's 23 grams of Carbs in each tube as apple and Strawberry flavors they're pretty easy To get down while running you know Relaxed Paces they're quite case is a Good quick shot of energy in a nice Small case similar to things like the pH Shoes that we've tested and liked on the Channel before so there's another option For increasing your carb intake during Very long runs it cost a couple of Pounds each you can get a box of 10 20 People the more you buy the cheaper they Are but they're still not that cheap but They're just another option to have Instead of gels and drinks and things

Like that if you are looking for new Ways to carve up very easy to store slip In a pocket they're you know really Small smaller than most gels and like I Say pretty easy to eat on the run and Fairly tasty the apple one is nice and The strawberry one but then I don't Really like strawberry stuff generally So that's probably what I prefer the Apple one If you if you follow our Instagram Account you'll know that I've just got Back from the Berlin marathon where um I Got a nice new PB which I've been Training for when I do marathons now or When I do Majors I tend to be really Trying to get a PB and when I get one I Like to take a souvenir back from from The race Um that I can wear when I'm out running One of the things I find though is that A lot of the big events are sponsored by The big Brands and the clothing that you Get and the Souvenir stuff that you can buy tends to Be a bit boring or it tends to be kit That I've already got it's just got a Slight redesign for the for the marathon On it but but I do like to pick up a Piece of um souvenir and what I've got This year is the tracksmith Berlin long Sleeve top now tracksmith are really Quite clever with what they're doing Um especially the majors uh they

Released these designs for especially For people that are doing the majors and They normally have a pop-up that takes Place in the various cities uh Tracksmith doesn't have a shop in all of The places where the majors take place Um but they tend to open a little pop-up Store which people go along to and I Went along to the one in Um Berlin at the weekend and it was Absolutely rammed it was so many people There picking up various Berlin bits of Kit and just normal kit as well Um but this top it's a souvenir top from The burning Marathon it is a long sleeve Top it's lightweight it's very Comfortable there's a lot of room in it It's not too tight it's quite forgiving And it's just very comfortable to wear I've only used it once so far since I've Got it and that was for a short run Um but it's the sort of top that I Really like using for winter I don't Tend to wear a jacket very often when I'm out training in the winter because I Get hot very quickly so I like to have These sort of lightweight comfortable Long sleeve tops don't wear and this is A nice looking one so yeah that's my First pick the Berlin long sleeve top From tracksmith my next pick is a pair Of shorts and it's the sayski Checker Shorts now sayski released quite a lot Of new colorways and designs for various

Seasonal Um releases that they have and this Latest one is a checker design it's Pretty similar to the if you've ever Owned safety shorts before similar sort Of vibe Um what I would say about these is They're a little bit thicker the Material is a little bit thicker than What I've been using previously and I Think that's because it's this is like The Autumn winter collection as you can Probably guess from the colorway it's a Bit of an all to me winter color Um it has a lot the same features that You get from Sasuke shorts so there is The Um fairly big back pocket can't fit a Phone in it but you can fit in credit Card keys Gels that sort of thing there's a couple Of inside gel pockets as well which um Hold like one gel each there it doesn't Have a liner in it though it's got It's Got a pant liner but it doesn't have Like a legging liner as well uh which Normally I do tend to wear shorts with Legging liners but I've not had any Issues with these at all so really They're just a nice comfortable pair of Solid nice looking shorts uh from say Ski um we'll have a look if you want Some new fancy shorts to wear uh and add To your collection so during my marathon

Training over the past three months uh It's been quite hot in the UK I've been On a mission to test lots and lots of Different types of electrolyte tablets I'm massively into electrified tablets Because I like the fact that they're Really simple you just pop them in a Glass of water and leave it and come Back a couple of minutes later and You've got a nice drink I've tried loads Of them recently so I've got them from People like sis Um I've been using them from pH Precision Fuel and hydration Um and I keep running out because I've Been doing so much running and I've been Sweating for a lot I'm doing quite long Runs that I've been getting through These quite quickly so I've been trying To find cheaper alternatives because They can be quite pricey a lot of these Ones you're normally looking around Eight pounds for um like a normal Quality one Um and what I found is the high five Ones these are the high five zero ones Now I'm guessing if you're in the UK You'll have heard of high five uh they Tend to pop up quite a lot of races and Giving out free gels and things like That Um I've never really been a big fan of High five before uh mainly because of The gels I don't really like the gels

Very much they just don't really I don't Find them very nice to have during a Race and I definitely don't use enjoying Marathons Um but I'm really liking these zero tabs And the reason I picked these up is Because I got them for Amazon Um pack of 20 for I think it was like Two pound fifty so you can find cheaper Offers for the high five Um electrolyte tablets now on the site They are eight pound for 20 tablets Um but you can find them in places like Wiggle and Amazon now around four pounds So quite bit cheaper than the Top Line Price that they come out at they're very Nice to drink they're not too sweet They're just very easy to drink these Are the tropical flavored ones quite Liked it Um and my girlfriend said these are Quite nice as well and she doesn't like Any of my sort of nutritional things That I buy for running uh she said They're they're quite subtle and yeah Not bad at all so I would say there's a Good option to get if you're just Looking for something to add some Electrolytes to your drinks that's nice And easy you stick them in a Cupboard And just pop them in as them when you Need them you can also split them in Half quite easily so you only have to Have half the electrolyzers as well so

That's the high five zero my final pick And I'm going to caveat this one because It's a really hard one to actually find And buy so Um what one of the main reasons that I'm Mentioning this on the uh on the video Is that I really want chorus or someone Else to bring these sorts of hats out More I think they're absolutely Fantastic when I went to chamonix for UTMB Um chorus gave me this this cap to test Out and it is I absolutely love it it's A really nice running cap it fits me Really nicely and Um just feels really comfortable when I'm out running in it but the really Nice thing about this cap is that it has This big velcro patch on the front of The cap and it has interchangeable Badges that you can you can stick on the Front so you get a load of um different Badges that you can change if you want They obviously they'll say carouson Because it was a A Chorus cap but what I I'd really like to have one of these With lots of other different badges on I'd like to have some more 80s movies Badges on or stuff like that so I could Change the design of my running cap Whenever I wanted Um I think you can only really get these From a few places at the moment I know I Saw them from Malaysia

Um I'm not sure where else you can get Them from so apologies if you really Want one of these now and they're not Easy to get but if you are watching this Chorus make these more readily available All around the world because I think They're absolutely great and I'd love to Have a few of these and start buying new Badges and changing the design my cap as In when I as when I can't see it so That's the chorus running cap but quite Hard to find Okay my first selection this month Is don't hate me for this So Spirituals Don't hate me because they're a hundred Pounds I know and they're very small shorts Um but they're really good and they do Break my rule which is to only wear Shorts with pockets these have no Pockets but I'll tell you why they've Been they've been perfect for a couple Of occasions this year first off when I Was doing a relay race a club relay Around the outside of the city on what Was the hottest day of the year I Already had my um my ultra vest I had my Drinks and it had my phone in that Everything was in that so I didn't need Pockets in my drawers what I did need is Shorts that were uh as as light as Possible to keep me as cool as possible And this is what they provided

Um they're super super light fabric They're like almost tissue paper light But without being see-through Um modesty intact uh they've got no real Waistband Um what they do have is these silicon Dots on the inside of the waist and Around the Hem of the legs as well and they keep Them in place place I did what I'm going To do that day seven miles in very very Hot weather and the shorts Um stayed in place and work as as light As I could have hoped for also wore them For a 5K race where I was after a very Fast time and I shared everything which Included not taking my phone or keys or Anything Um with me I was going for marginal Games and so I wore these and they were Perfect so what I would say is they are Good for track races or races where You're not taking anything with you Don't you know 5K race you don't need to Carry any nutrition or anything like That good for Interval sessions down the Track or where you've got your things to Hand or on the on the treadmill They come in black or red and in sizes Extra small up to extra large so the Second fix I'm not very short this pairs A little bit cheaper 67 pounds For the Asics Fuji Trail two in one Shorts so two in one because they've got

The blue Um kind of tighter fitting short Underneath and then the looser black Short over the top Um both are very light you can see in The blue undershot even it's got like Very small holes to Aid airflow Um I've worn these recently they they Are able to accommodate a phone in the Back that's very good they have a zip Pocket in the front here They've got Um Drop In Pockets all the way around The Uh sides and the back so every every Inch of your waistband you could be Carrying stuff so really good for Maximal storage uh they've got Loops for hiking poles they even came With like a mini Carabiner hook but I Took that off because I didn't see that As Um Essential they've got a little Elastic for tightening them up but I Found them to be Pretty good fit and they stay in place The phone in the waistband isn't always My preferred method of carrying but it Did stay in place and it didn't pull the Shorts down with the weight they stayed In place the whole run also super Lightweight and you could probably go Commando in these if you wanted to

Um they don't have a great deal of Seamage inside so if that's a that's an Option if that's your thing Seven pounds and they come in sizes Extra small up to extra large Okay our last item nutrition Um Mr Kieran algae got me onto these uh and I've been enjoying them so these are the Precision fuel 30 gram carb shoes they Come Like this in that there's two blocks and Each block is 15 grams each they taste Nice and these are the original I've Also had the lemon lime and mint and They are Yeah they're Pleasant enough they are Much nicer than a gel Um they're easy to chew they don't take A lot of chewing Um nice consistency and they go down I've been using them on long runs when I've been going out Um 30 miles I did at the weekend and I Had You know they're not Um like with a gel you've got to take it All otherwise you can't put it back in Your pocket have some later it's going To explode all over your pocket whereas These you can take a bite I've been Taking one of the blocks and then Putting the other back in my pocket Having the other block later and uh

Breaking it up like that so I don't have It all in one go so that's a good Benefit for it they taste nice and um Yeah they've been helping power me Through those half marathon training Runs so I do think I'm going to take Um this along with a gel on my next race Um they are not cheap Um they are for this which is a pack From 15 and in each of the 15 you get Two blocks each block is 15 Grams of carbohydrates so together one Of these one of these little pouches Which contains two blocks is considered Serving so that's your 30 grams I hope that's not too confusing So it's 15 servings in this 15 of these Um and that is 49.99 which works out to one pound 67 Per One of these Um so that's about comparable it's a it Does sound a lot when you buy in bulk But if you work that out to what Um gels are individually they're Definitely over a pound in my local Supermarket anyway so I think they're a Good option Just two picks of the month for me this Month firstly this one here The Panache Sport Ultimate non-wired sports bra but Key factor bought through a company Called boobedo who are an online sports Bra company who you can have an online

Fitting with and they will kind of guide You through the process talk to you About what sport you do what kind of Thing you normally wear and then work Out what's going to suit you best now I Would normally have written a brand like Panache off because I think they're too Big for my cup but actually this is Perfect it's got a really lovely thick Band that holds you in place that kind Of pink and yellow one on this one but Key factor it's still really stretchy Which means that it's not like trying to Wrestle something when you're getting it Off you at the end of a run it's got a Nice thick cups so you've got plenty of Kind of coverage and protection there But it's under not underwired and There's plenty of structure to them Because they're molded so you feel Really safe but it's not squashing you Down either like a lot of the kind of Compression ones so I really like this One and I think their guidance was Excellent they did send me two sizes Just to be sure and then they have a Free returns policy as well so you can Do that but I really like I particularly Rate this bra they sent me a couple of Other ones as well it's got cushion Shoulder shoulder straps sorry and the J Hook so you can turn it into eraser back And kind of pull yourself a bit more in If you want to for a bit more if you're

Doing some really hard sessions you need Even more structure to it so I think That one's great that's my first one the Next one is particularly for at the Moment as we head into winter and things Are getting darker it's a company called Bodylight who are kind of more of an Outdoors company than a specific Running Company Um I'm trying Mozilla which is just Behind me but this is what I'm Recommending at the moment it's this Thing here and it is their night vision Light it's 250 lumens on its brightest Setting although it's got a lower one And a flashing red one as well it's Rechargeable via USB and runs for eight Hours and the thing is is you have Either a strap that goes around your Body or you can strap this to the front If you're riding a bike or a scooter or I mean probably could put it on your Wrist or something if you wanted but Um but you can basically strap it to Whatever and it's got a really really Bright light across here and it's got Really good kind of visibility across in Front of you so if you don't want to Wear a head torch which sometimes gives Me a headache headache Um I think that kind of makes a big Difference as well so for me I live in a In the countryside there's no street Lights

Um even though there's Pavements so this Is ideal it's going to give me really Good coverage and it's not going to pop Up and down in quite the same way the Head torch or giving me a headache Either so I'll report back on the delay But for the meantime I'm going to be Using the night vision light That's it from us thanks a lot for Watching this monthly Roundup don't Forget to like subscribe click the bell All of those things and check the Channel out for all the other videos We've got coming out at the moment if You go into the caption below you can Also find a link to the podcast which Comes out at the end of each month and We just talk about lots of things to do With running right catch you next time