
Particle Gravité Cologne code: Kick20
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We've all been there you look into your Closet filled with clothes and yet you Cannot decide what to wear it's almost As if having too many choices prevents You from making the correct one now You're running late and you end up Repeating the same outfit for the third Time this week with that shirt you Always wear what if your closet was Filled with shirts you always wear as Opposed to wasting your hard-earned Money and I know about wasting money in The past I've made risky financial Decisions in order to pay for shoes that I don't even like anymore when I was in University with $2,000 in the bank Account which was supposed to last me 8 Months I bought these gray and pink Filling pieces low top sneakers pink Filling pieces are they even around Anymore anyway so if you're planning to Declutter your closet like I do every 3 Months here are some pointers that will Get you started let's start with tip Number one avoid the super trendy here's What I mean baggy jeans are in right now Cargo pants are in right now but baggy Cargo jeans are not it I have caros I Have jeans why did I need to buy these Plus they don't even fit the best part Is they cost $183 I could have bought a brand new Pair of jeans and a brand new pair of Caros for that price there are tons of

Examples of this as well there's the Denim jacket hoodie or the varsity Jacket sweater the short sleeve long Sleeve combo like pick one or the other There's convertible pants even most Sneaker boots give me the ick the big Takeaway here is this if a piece of Clothing has two purposes it's probably Bad at both it's the reason Fusion Jordans never took off why did I buy the Pants well part of the reason is that They were on sale which takes us to the Next hit be cautious of sale items now I Love a good steel as much as the next Person and we all have our favorite come Ups but we can all agree that the best Clothing items the most popular the ones Unanimously people love the most never Go on sale because discounts are a Retail tactic used to convince people to Buy stuff that they are having a hard Time selling Jordan retel in the 2010s Never went on sale because they sold out Instantly nowadays it seems like one in Every two releases will sit for a few Weeks not to mention Amazon Prime day Some of the retails on Amazon are Literally scamming people into buying Discounted product meanwhile it was the Same price one week prior for me I am The most susceptible to sales when it Comes to soccer jerseys it's my favorite Sport I've been playing since I was 5 Years old I watch the Premier League

Week in and week out and everyone knows Last year's football jerseys go on sale So I buy some each and every year and I Tell myself I'm a collector now I have Dozens of jerseys that never get worn me Being a fashion guy they just never make It to the top of the pecking order of Clothes I wear weekly I even have to Borrow space at my parents house to Start my jerseys which might seem like a Great idea but I don't have immediate Access to them and therefore I haven't Worn them in years my advice before you Hit buy now on a sale item give it a few Days to think about and if you're still Thinking about buying them then treat Yourself Another quick tip is to be a collector Of one thing I should just stick to Shoes really avoid the super Niche I Want you guys to close your eyes and Think of the shoes you wear most on a Weekly basis it's probably an Air Force One or Samba a Jordan one or maybe the Oakley chopa man I really thought Oakley Was going to make a splash I said it on This very Channel and guys I don't Always get things right I am not perfect They were making some dope product but Little did I know they have almost Z Zero Budget on the factory team division Of Oakley now I'm a firm believer that Sneakers are art and I do think that These are a very cool looking shoe but

Do I wear them ever no I've probably Worn them three times they're super Chunky and once again in the pecking Order of my closet they are at the very Bottom and when I bought these I thought Damn I'm going to be team early I'm Going to be rocking something nobody Else is wearing and yeah you're right no One else is wearing them they were hard To track down as well I paid $350 on Stock eggs and if you go to them right Now the there are a total of five bids On all of the sizes point being if your Goal is to have a wardrobe filled with Clothes you love and cherish and wear All the time get items that you know are In your wheelhouse I wear Air Jordan one Lowe's SAS Air Max A6 on a weekly basis Not the Oakley Factory team chopsaw oh Yo you see my toothbrush again with the Knocking don't you see I'm busy man it Stinks in here I showered this week here You need this you mean my gravitate Cologne by particle that's been missing For weeks oh that's yours my bad bro Smells pretty bombb by the way luckily They' sent over an entire new box the Packaging slides up revealing a very Solid well-built bottle with a pop off Cap the sprayer launches the odap param Really well and smells very fresh and Aquatic making for a good spring summer Fragrance it's light but with a good Amount of musk which I prefer because

You can wear it on a daily basis but Don't just take it from me my fiance Hello you know that colog I got a few Weeks back what do you think about it I Like it it smells really good okay Thanks I got to go by see what I mean it Lasts over 12 hours in a single use and Has top notes of grapefruit mid-notes of Nutmeg and base notes of cedar wood to Name a few the best part is I got you Guys 20% off using the link in the Description or code kick 20 I don't even Know how they're making money on that Anyways Link in the description to shop Particle products this is gravite the Next tip is to avoid similar items look At this four types of black hoodies Three types of brown air dra one highs Five types of white t-shirts nobody Needs five types of anything and don't Even get me started on the sock drawer All of these choices Cloud your judgment When it comes time to getting dressed I Now fully understand why Steve Jobs wore The same outfit it was to have Clarity At the start of your day and not have to Think about what you're going to wear It's also about having a uniform wearing Something to work knowing that you're Going to get stuff done that's a life That I wish to have one day but just sit Back and think of all the clothing items Shoes that drop each and every week that Are just 10 10% different from the last

Here's mine Air Force 1 and Air Jordan 1 Low 85 two pairs of Birkin socks SAS and Superstars Air Jordan for cement and Craft New Balance A6 veromos and p6000 Now if you're starting your collection Or looking to declutter especially when It comes to shoes obviously stick the Ones that you wear on a daily basis but Also don't get rid of the OG colorways The value will stay the same in one day Whether it's for your future kids or When Trends come back around because They always do you're going to wish you Had them also hang on to your firsts Meaning your first pair of Retros or First pair of pip sneakers I promise you Are going to want to hang on to those Take it from me I sold my first ever Pair of Jordan Retros it was the wolf Gray Air Jordan 5 and now I'll never Have them back even if they retro it's Still not the same pay attention to Sizing we are so done wearing Uncomfortable clothing that goes for Clothes that fit too small or too big They never get worn and maybe a few Times at first because you want to Justify the money that you've just spent But it never lasts and in a world where The vast majority of our clothes are Bought online I cannot express how Important it is to get your measurements It's not even complicated and you can do It yourself all that's required is that

You get your best fitting shirt and you Measure the chest Pitto Pit and the Length from collar to bottom this way When you buy from a shop that you've Never bought from or taking a risk on a Pricey clothing item you can compare Size charts and have full confidence That it's going to look and feel exactly How you want it I bought these hidden NY Graphic t-shirts $80 each via pre-order And had to wait 4 weeks for them to Arrive only to find out that they're Smaller than I'd like Cole buckton Graphic t-shirt for $150 only to find out it fits too big Had I done my due diligence to make sure That the size charts match up as opposed To just guessing I would have never been In the situation hopefully this video Saves you some future regret or puts you In the right direction to make some Regular donations I literally donate Stuff once a month the box is right next To my gym as always thanks for watching And thanks to particle for sponsoring Today's video