
Inside this box is a pair of sneakers Inspired by underwear well all right not Exactly underwear but that's what a lot Of people think this is the Air Jordan 3 Lucky shorts It's a pair of sneakers It's supposed to release on February 22nd for a retail price of 200 bucks and It is inspired by something worn Underneath Michael Jordan shorts the Shoe comes in primarily a white tumble Leather accented by gray suede around The toe on the heel and also around the Ankle area of the shoe of course you've Got some University Blue hits on the Eyelets on the Jumpman and also on the Heel of the shoe and Jordan brand just Loves adding that sale colored midsole To all the sneakers to make all their Sneakers Look age and I'll be honest I Don't hate it but as you might have Noticed the colors used on this shoe are Actually the colors of Michael Jordan's College UNCC and that's because every Time Michael suited up to play ball he Always threw on a pair of UNCC practice Shorts underneath his basketball shorts And while no this Infamous pair of Practice shorts was not a pair of Underwear it was technically underneath His regular shorts whether you believe In luck or not these lucky shorts were Absolutely working for Michael because He won a college championship and six NBA championships all wearing his lucky

Shorts and to hammer the point home this Is a pair of shoes inspired by a pair of Shorts they added a do not wash tag on The back of the tongue but the question Is are you comfortable buying a pair of Shoes inspired by Michael Jordan's Underwear I know I am