
If you’ve ever wondered what kit you might need to conquer a 55km trail ultra, you’ve come to the right place. In this video Run Tester Kieran walks you through his kit list for an upcoming 55km yomp around the Lake District at the 5 Valleys Ultra. From waterproof jackets to socks and ultra vests, he shares the items he’ll use for the race. Most of them tried, tested and trusted. Along with a few newcomers he’s testing during the race. By the end of this vid you’ll be able to see what a full ultra kit list looks like and maybe get some inspiration for gear to add to your race kit. Hit play to get into it.

0:00 – Intro
0:49 – The 5 Valley Ultra explained
2:58 – Ultra Kit: Top Half
6:21 – Ultra Kit: Bottom Half
9:29 – The Trail Shoes
10:43 – Tech: Phone, GPS watches, headphones

Here come the links…


T8 Iced Tee

66North Grettir Polartec Top

ASICS Fujitrail Waterproof Jacket

Brooks Hybrid Shield Gilet

Inov8 Race Elite 3-in-1 Gloves

The Pack: Inov8 Racepac 20


T8 Sherpa Shorts

UYN Strides Trail Shorts

CXP Endurance XP Boxers

UYN Five Running Socks

The Shoes: ASICS Metafuji Trail
£220 / $250


2Toms Sportshield

Shokz OpenRun Pro 2

Hey people welcome to the Run testers Now if you've ever wondered what kit you Might need to conquer a 55 km Trail Ultra or a day long trail Ultra Basically you've come to the right place Because in this video I'm going to walk You through my kit list for a 55 km yump Around the lake District at the five Valleys Ultra that's coming up soon now From waterproof jackets to Trail vest to Shoes to socks all that stuff I'm going To give you a full list of the items I'm Going to use for my ultra kit along with The specific products that I've selected For the race so you'll get a kit list And some recommendations most of them Are tried and tested and trusted I've Also got a few newcomers that I'm Testing during the race for videos Coming up on the channel but by the end Of this vid you'll be able to see what a Full Ultra kit list might look like and Maybe get some inspiration for gear to Add to your own race kit for race day so Let's get into [Music] It first up then a quick overview of the Race and the challenge ahead for me well The five Valley Ultra is part of a new Race series That's now in its second year in the UK It's organized by the great run team You'll know them from runs like the Great North and great South runs now

This team have the ambition to create The UK's answer to the UTMB it's Designed to make trail running more Accessible for all Runners and it Follows the utm's multi-race format now There are four distances across the Weekend 180 km 13 valleys 110 km 7 Valleys 55 km 5 valleys and a 22 km 2 Valleys The Valleys refer to the number Of different distinct valleys that make Up the Lake District there's 13 in total And you go and visit some of those I'm Going to take on the fully way Mark 55k And that will visit five of The Valleys In that national park with the route Starting at Waterhead amble side and Finishing in kzk is kind of the UK's Answer to shamony it's got that kind of Feel it's wonderful it comes with 2,500 M of elevation and a generous 19-hour Cut off there are regular Aid stations Including three feed stations along the Way with hot food the terrain will be Steep and Technical at times some of the Races taking the trails that you might Find on the famous Bob Graham round the Weather could be fierce you're going to Be up high at times it's going to be Windy and rainy potentially I'm Expecting this to be a Stern test for Someone who's much better on the flat Than the ups and downs now for context Last year's winner ran the route in 5 Hours the last Runner came in though in

Just under 16 hours 184 people finished With less than a handful of dnf so it Should be doable for most of us Runners Out there even for the unacquainted now Looking at the average times I'd say I'm Potentially looking at between 8 to 10 Hours based on my ability uh the scenery Is going to be mind-blowing I know that This is a destination race for sure and I'm really excited to do my first race In The Lakes probably should have been There much sooner it's taking me a while It's been on my buet list for ages to go And do this so if it's on yours there Are still placees available as well on The 22 km 2 valleys priced at £65 or you Can look for next year's entry which Will open soon after this race is done So into the kit then and for the 55k Race there's a very long obligatory kit List for this race more comprehensive Actually than I've encountered even for Races in the Alps or dolomites yeah it May feel a little Ott but there's a lot Of items on there but we'll start with What I'm going to wear on the top on top I'm going to have a cap to keep my big Baly head warm that will likely be my Unicorn uh kick it the dick hat um I'm Debating sunglasses I think I'll wait on The weather but if I do I'll use my Toosi swick sunglasses but I'm thinking I probably won't need them it might be Quite gray and drizzly I'm going to pack

A warm hat as an obligatory item and That will be this thinsulate 40 G beanie When it comes to the T-shirt I'm not Going to overthink this one I want a Lightweight tea that'll add a bit of Warmth but won't weigh me down so I'm Going to go for the T8 Trail te so when It comes to a base layer I don't know if You can still buy these or at least Under Armor tends to update it gear all The time so it's really quite hard to Pin down the exact garment on their Website for you but I've been using the Under Armour Rush Bas layers for years I've had three of them I've kept for you Know five six seven years I just know That they don't rub my nipples which is Real essential when you're out there if You prefer to run cooler rather than Warmer they might be a little bit thick But I prefer to be warm and even when It's hot I find these work in kind of Hot conditions okay they got shiny soft Fabric that stretches and flexes it Wicks pretty well doesn't get too heavy When it's wet but above all it really Helps prevent chafe nipples now we also Have to pack a long sleeve base layer And a mid layer as part of our Obligatory kit so I'm going to take this Quite simple Salamon long sleeve Bas Layer shiny it's smooth it's flexible It's kind of quite loose and I've also Got this fleecy greter by 66 North mid

Layer which is quite Compact and small It's very lightweight as well the Weather forecast says there's a really High chance of rain on race day so I am Packing a lightweight running jacket It's not the most lightweight but it's Fully waterproof this aex Fuji Trail Jacket uh it's a lightweight perex Shield jacket it's fully seam sealed Which is obligatory kit as well there's A waterproof chest pocket it stashes Down into its own pocket and it will Slot pretty easily into my running vest And there's an adjustable Hood if things Get wet and really blow which they may Well do and that will come in handy now We also have to have an insulated Prima Loft or wall jacket or Gile so I'm going To take this Brooks Gile which is bigger Than I would like but it's the only one I own that's going to go in the pack as Well this is a shorter race so I'm going To keep my carry as minimal as possible Though there is a hefty amount of batry Kit and as you've seen some of those Items are already quite big it's going To make it a challenge to be super Minimal so I'm going to go with the race Pack 20 vest it's not as light and Minimal as some of the kind of Salamon Skin or eslab vests that are really racy But this can definitely hold the kit That I need it to it's a bit more robust It's got a more prominent harness I

Think that's going to hold that weight Better you've also got loads of stash Space in this slots for two soft flasks Up front you've got one huge mesh front Side drop pocket which is great for all The kind of gloves and head torch and All that kind of stuff get gels fuel There's also a zippered pocket on the Front which will be good for stashing The phone there's a built-in whistle Here which is another element of Obligatory kit it's not waterproof so I'll dry bag up some of the kit that I Need to keep dry inside it I'll also Plan to keep my fuel down so I'll have a Combination of stuff I'm going to eat Immediately in the belt of the T8 shorts I'll talk about later and backup bits in This pack and I'll do some transfers When I get to the aid stations so on the Bottom half I have got a slightly Maverick system that might not appeal to Everyone but I find this works really Nicely for me I wear some running boxes From C x p with a pair of Trail shorts From wind that could be worn alone Actually but I like to add a third layer Which another pair of shorts with a Built-in belt now let's start with the Shorts I've got these T sherper shorts I've been testing these lightweight Trin Twail shorts out recently when I ran the New Forest marathon in them and I'm a Big fan of how light they feel they're

Super light fabric the main short fabric Is really nice and stretchy light and Soft the cut isn't too short and they Work well with my other two layers There's also a built-in belt goes right Around the top with loads of extra Storage now most people won't need this Layer but I like the warmth and comfort And locked in feel that these wind Stride Trail shorts provide the fabric Here on these is soft and comfortable It's got a hugging fit but it's really Nice and flexible and stretchy and I Like that feeling that these give you That everything is held and protected They've got one stretch pocket in the Back two zipper pockets on the legs They're Ace for additional easy access Storage I used these on the Berling wall 100 as well and at times they were a Godsend when I ended up in an aid Station and I wanted to to quickly kind Of temporarily stash my phone somewhere Or a head torch or something that Putting it on the ground I've run really Long days and long miles in these shorts And they've serve me well when it comes To the undies I mentioned I've got these Cxp endurance briefs I've mentioned These a bunch of times before on the Channel but when it comes to longer runs Like 5 hours plus where I want to feel Like a more seriously reduce that chafe Risk or even eliminate undercarriage

Chafe risk these box of briefs are what I reach for they are light soft they Feel really lovely against the skin and The fabric is so sort of soft and thin Really really stretchy you've got Waistbands that have got special sort of Silicone that makes them stay put and Don't add unwanted pressure around the Waist they're basically excellent for a Sort of Barely There Comfort keep Everything where it should be without The risk of the big red raw rub the thin Material also means that they will sit Nicely under those twin shorts and the Other shorts even if those shorts have a Built-in line of themselves when it Comes to the socks after the way they Looked after me during the Berlin War M There's only one way I can go with the Socks of choice for this race and that Is the win five running toe socks I Never used to be a toe sock person but I Do suffer from really bad toe on toe Aggression and after 22 hours of running At the Berlin w 100 my feet have never Been in better shape than they were when I ran in with these socks so there's Good padding they're a little thicker in All the right places adding some comfort Without being too heavy the toes hold Their shape too there's decent Ventilation in the right points around The toes so they don't get too hot but What was crucially important for me was

They seem to prevent the worst of the Damage that was happening to my little Toes where they sit sort of under each Other give a little bit more spread so These are going back on for this race Now some other items of obligatory kit For the bottom half we need leggings and A pair of waterproof tape seam trousers I'm doing a big test of leggings for run As world as we speak you'll be able to Get that in a magazine out in a few Months now I've got new ones Landing in The post every single day so I'm going To choose which ones of those I take Near of the time I don't actually own Any tape seam waterproof trousers so I Am open to recommendations on those I Haven't got long to find some onto those All important shoes then and this one is Kind of tried and tested but also a bit Unknown definitely on the list of kit That I'm going to be testing in real Time here these are the aex meta Fuji Trail I've run the New Forest Marathon Them recently and they did really well But that was a flat runnable course Where these were good for kind of Attacking that what I'm Keen to find out Is if the flight foam turbo carbon plate 4 and 1/2 mil combo is any good when Things get more testing more Steep and More technical when you need a bit more Stability I felt the shoes lacked a bit Of stability at times in my earlier

Tests even on flat runnable stuff and That's a bit of a worry but I want to See if the meta Fuji is a shoe that an Averagely capable Trail Runner like me Can use when things get more challenging So watch this space so a few other bits Then I will take a couple of Buffs one I'll wear one I'll keep dry in my pack I'll soft them over if needed I've got a Pair of gloves and I'm going to take These innovate glove mittens the gloves That have an alter Mitten as well I've Got a head torchure spare batteries Which is obligatory kit at BAS plate Compass a 300 mil mug I have to take 20 In cash a foil survival bag which is Different to a blanket I need to buy one Of those and a small first aid kit oh And I will be using twom sport shield on All of my soft and sensitive bits to Keep the Chafe away as well when it Comes to the tech we have to have a Fully charged phone on us but then I Will also have three watches I'm going To take the Garmin and Juro 3 the Garmin Phoenix 8 and the Garmin and Juro 2 Chair to a h10 chest strap the Garmin Watch test continues for upcoming Reviews of these watches this is a great Chance to test not only the battery life The GPS and the heart rate accuracy but Despite the five valys being fully way Marked it's also a good opportunity to Compare the mapping route following and

All those ciment Pro features headphones This feels like a great test environment For the shocks open run Pro 2 we've got A review of that on the channel already But I'm going to want to feel connected To the environment around but also I'll Likely need some tunes to keep me going Over the time the condition should give The durability and the ip55 sweat Proofing a thorough examination of these And get to see how that 12-hour battery Life claim lives up to some continuous Use plus I'm thinking this neckband ear Hook design is going to give me that Comfort of knowing that I won't end up Watching my earbuds pop out and fly down The hills ahead of me if things get Really Steep and fast on The Descent so These feel like a good fit for a race Like this so there you have it that's a Quick Whistle Stop of my kit list for The five alley Ultra hopefully it's a Helpful window into not only the whole Kit that you might need to tackle a day Long Ultra but also some of the specific Items and products that I've tried and Tested and rate plus a few that you'll Also get to see reviews of on the Channel soon which I'll be testing out There as ever thanks very much for Watching if you liked it enjoyed it you Fancy see it more don't forget to hit Subscribe if you're running The Valleys Come and say hi to me up there it' be a

Pleasure to meet you on race day Otherwise I'm off to pack and until next Time happy running people