
You can't buy this shoe unless you can Hit a golf ball 200 yard this is Travis Scott's first golf shoe the Air Jordan One low Travis Scott Golf and it's quite Possibly the most hyped up golf shoe of All time and it's currently reselling For over $1,000 so in order to combat The resellers one golf store in London Called trendy golf decided to hold a Raffle for the Travis Scott Air Jordan One low golfs but even if you win the Raffle you still can't technically buy The shoes there's one more step trendy Golf is having Raffle winners out to a Private event where you can't even buy The sneakers unless you can prove your Golf golf skills in a golf simulator and The way they're testing this is by Giving prospective customers two tries To hit a golf ball 200 yards if they're A man or 150 yards if they're a woman And if they can't hit the ball far Enough in two tries they can't buy the Shoes